some infos to the story

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(PLEASE read to understand the story)

hey! y'all probably saw that i changed the story a lot, i planned it to be a Ross fanfic but the girl was suppossed to be Gavin's best friend, and when the girl visites him, the girl meets the cast and Ross finds himself liking the girl, which would be the plot 'cause Gavin also likes her but ofc he didnt say anything. i actually may do THAT story once but as you all have seen i changed the story to Ross and his bestfriend. The Plot is actually a lil similiar 'cause the girl will meet the cast too (whooos spoiler) but yeah it wont turn out like i wanted it first. Anyways i also changed the name, first it Maia Mitchell but that would be like...a Raia book not Ross fanfic, which i only thought of today lol so i also changed that, you maybe should check the cast again so you'll understand xd also hahaha the main girl is not a celebrity but a pretty famous model! and she's portrayet by Maia Mitchell 'cause her and Ross have tons of cute pics!!! so yeah
if you have any question to the stories, please feel free to ask i'll answer!

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