Chapter 1

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ProlongueJayana Willis woke up to her alarm

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Jayana Willis woke up to her alarm. She stood up and stretch heading to the bathroom to get ready. Jayana got dress in her skinny jeans and blouse. She grab her badge and gun. She walked down the hall to her twelve year old daughter, Kiara's room. She knocked onto the door. It open to show her daughter dress and smiling. Jayana grabbed her keys and head to her car. She waved goodbye to her daughter who was walking to her bus stop. Jayana drove to the Las Angelos Station where she was the Captain. "Hey Captain! Got a case for you to look at please. I think the BAU needs to be called into this one. It the fifth body drop. I don't want anymore little girls dead in our streets." Jayana walked into the conference room to see the case they been working on. Detectives Wilkes and Johnson have came up with nothing. The case kids between the ages of eleven to eight have ended up stabbed and branded on the street in public places. They wore inappropriate clothing in a mother's opinion. They only thing connecting them is the ages, symbols, and the Greek gods names brand on them. Jayana stared at these kids who reminded her of her daughter Kiara. Jayana turned and dialed the BAU liaison number. "Good Morning, May I speak to Agent Jearu please?" Jayana stared at her co-workers as they looked at the case for clues. "Agent Jennifer Jearu speaking. How can I help you?" Jayana sighed, " Miss Jearu I need the BAU help. I fear for the lives of little girls in my town. I have a case that needs BAU perspective immediately." The female on line sighed, "We will be there in twenty four hours. Keep us Posted."

At The BAU Headquarters In Virginia

Agent Jennifer Jearu looked at the case file in her hand. She already told Hotch about the case. She got up and headed to the conference room. "Everyone conference room now. We got a bad one." She watched as her teammates followed her to the conference room. "We are headed to Las Angelos. This case is a hard one due to it being kid victims. Our first victim, Laura Hanson. Age 11. Brown Hair and Blue Eyes. Perfect Student and Academic Scholarships. She was the perfect daughter in her parents eyes. She was founded with the infinite sign carved in her arms and legs. She also had the Greek goddess name of Athena. Our next victim is Lila Wilkes. Age 11. Brown Eyes and blue hair. She was known for her swimming scholarships. She was head ring to be the youngest person on a high school team. She was found with the infinite sign and the Greek god Poseidon name carved on her head. Our third victim is Sera Hans. Age 11. She has black hair and green eyes. She was known as the heartbreaker of her school. She was loved by all due to her beauty. The goddess name Aphrodite carved in her head. Our fourth victim is Emerald White. Age 12. Green Hair and blue eyes. She was a gardener like her mother. She was found with the name Persephone carved in her head. Our recent victim is Sandra Lokes. Her father is a cop. He will be trying to get information according to the captain she put him on suspended leave with pay until we caught his daughters killer. Age 13. She was know to everyone as the matchmaker. She could bring anyone together. I figured that why she had the Greek goddess Hera name carved into her head." I watched the faces of my teammates look at the little girls. "There all so young and beautiful. I would think of them as goddesses. I think we are dealing with someone who actually believes in these Greek stories." Said Morgan. I seen Spencer looking at the file. "Yeah well Greek goddesses are not real. They are fictional characters in my opinion." Said Spencer. "Wheels up in ten." Said Hotch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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