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Tiffany's POV

"What the hell?" I said as I walked into my flat and the lights turned on, illuminating the three figures sitting on my couch. I stood where I was near the door, and stared at the three girls with both my eyebrows raised.

"Tiffany?" A familiar voice said. I looked at the girl who spoke and my eyes widened whe I recognize her as Yuri, back when we are High school. Then when I took a closer and look at the other two girls I recognized one of them to be Sooyoung from my old art class, and another random girl who sat at the table in front of me at lunch.

"Yuri" I said still looking at her shocked. "Wha-what are you doing here?" I asked confused. I thought that the three killers would be staying at my house starting in a few days, not three girls from my high school the same night I was told. "U-uh I could ask you same thing" She replied eyes wide. "I live here. This is my flat" I replied Stealing a glance at the other two girls. Sooyoung stood up and came next to Yuri. Her her which still the same. A little messy and was held together in a loose manner with a rubber band.

"Hey Tiffany, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to be in your art class" She said waving once. "I remember" I replied. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and walked up to the two that was still standing near me. "So um, I'm guessing you're the three 'dangerous killers and a gangster that could suffocate me while I sleep' Taeyeon sent" I said using air quotations around describe them with. "And you're the girl with the dirty little secret?" The other girl said speaking up and walked towards Yuri and Sooyoung.

"Apparently" I said never taking my eyes off her. Her hair had changed from when I last saw her. Instead of her emo hair, it was now cut and she looks more pretty with her straight blonded hair. And now she has no glasses and her outfit was completely different back when we are high school. Even though I didn't know her, I could tell she had changed drastically since high school unlike Yuri and Sooyoung. She looked away from my calculating gaze and I saw her clenching her jaw. "So you never answered my question" I said looking at Yuri now. She was gazing at Sooyoung then back at me.

"Uh I guess I'll leave that up to your imaginition" She said. I dropped my bag to the floor and advanced towards her. I pushed her sending her down one step of the three steps that dropped you to the living room. "I didn't have my head at gunpoint today for no reason Yuri. Tell me why you're here, and what's your relationship with that dork Taeyeon" I said standing my ground. She looked at me with wide eyes. "She did what?" She asked. "Yuri, please tell me" I said feeling a headache coming on.

"It"s none of your business" The girl from the my old lunch said. "The hell it is!" I yelled losing my cool. "It's cause of three I just got threatened by a lady who swore she would never cross my path again. And if you're gonna be staying in my house it is my goddamn business girl!" She narrowed her eyes at me. " Who you calling a girl, little mushroom?" She questioned walking up to me. I went back my steps and walked up to her as well. She looked down at me and I glared her furiously. Sooyoung stepped in between us and pulled my arm back and Yuri shove the other girl back step.

"Calm down Yoona" She said. Yoona looked at Yuri with fury in her eyes then her eyes snapped back to mine. "Who ever said we wanted to stay here?" She asked. I closed my eyes and a smirked appeared. "Let's see, Taeyeon held a gun to my head and blackmail me into letting three girls stay ay my place, so don't talk to me as if you had a choice" I said. She looked taken a back by my answer but quickly regained her pose.

Sooyoung started laughing loudly as she let go of my arm. She was bent over doubled in laughter. I look at her as I did Yuri, and Yoona. Yuri looked amused and Yoona looked pissed. "Bwahahaha buddy she told you" She said wiping a tear and held a hand out for me to hi-five. I grinned at her and slapped her hand then turned around and grabbed my bag off the floor. "Woooah you slapped my hand?" Sooyoung said while her face are shocked I only nodd to her and said "Okay since you three gangsters, staying here whether I like it or not, I have three rules". They looked at me expectantly and I continued. "Number one: If you wanna bang a girl or a boy or whatever take her/his to a hotel don't even think about bringing her/his home. Two: No drinking or drugs in this house, do it outside and if you come home drunk and break something it's coming of your wallet. Three: I only eat kosher foods and aslo icecream, so no takeout can be put in the fridge".

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