Came back

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Nana's POV

I finally arrive here at Incheon airport. I felt excited and nervous at the same time .  I actually want to see my Yuri as soon us possible, I just want to hugged her tightly. And I wan't to say sorry to her to leave her alone. I just want to see my Baby right now. I am now in the car sitting like a princess. I look at my bag and took out my phone to call Yoona. I want to surprise Yuri that I am now here. And I pressed call of Yoonas number. And it's rigging.

"Hello?" Yoona said."Hey, Yoong it's me Nana" I said to her while slapping my legs. "Oh, Nana why are you calling? You must be in busy right now" She said. I just smiled widely "Aniyo, I  am now here in Korea" I said to her "Wait don't tell my Yuri, okay? I wan't to surprise her" I said while acting inside the car. "Yah! Why are you" I cut what she was going to say.

"Oops, I'm on my way on there" I said happily."What?! We are not staying there. You know" She said. "What! Where are you staying now?" I said worriedly."Umm a friend house, here in shoshi street A-6" She said."Okay I'm coming just wait me in there, okay Yoong?" I said to her. And hung up my phone.

Yoona's POV

What the hell.  Gosh Nana is coming here, What do I do right now. Should I wake-up Yuri. Gawd! Damn it. When suddenly Sooyoung go out in her room.

"Yah! Soo" I said to her while she is rubbing her eye."What?" She said to me in angry tone. "Look, Soo Nana are coming right here now, she arrive early." I said to her. And her eyes widened. "What are you serious?!" She said. "Yes, she is. She wants to surprise Yuri" I replied to her."Yah! Where's Yuri?" She asked to me. And I pointed room's Tiffany. "Aiish! Why is byunyul doing there!" She mumbled and walk to the room of Tiffany. And I followed the latter.

"Tippanie, open the door" Sooyoung said while knocking. "Yah, Sooyoung~ah. Your noisy" I said to her while crossing my arms. "What I'm not too ---" Sooyoung cut her words because the are suddenly open and I saw Tiffany glaring at us while her hands still at the door. "You two,  why are you so noisy!" She said in angry tone. But suddenly Sooyoung grabbed Tiffany out and close the door.

Sooyoung's POV

"Tiffany, come on." I said to her and I grabbed her waist. "Yah! What so do you want?" She asked me and still glaring on me. And she glanced to Yoona. "You Yoona, why are you so quite" She continue, but I won't waste mg time I finally spoke up before Yoona could say something. "Fany, look Yuri's girlfriend is coming in here. And she wants to surprise Yuri" I said to her. And I look at her and her mind was blank so Yoona poke her.

Tiffany's POV

What? I heard it clearly. My Yuri have a girlfriend. What? Did I say "My" nono. What she's coming here right now? My heart are pain when I heard that Yuri have her girlfriend. I felt lose. Wheb suddenly my head are hurt. Yoona poke me? Ugh!

"Ouch! It's hurt Yoong!" I yelled to her and smacked her armed. "Your blank that's why" Yoona said while chuckling. "What the!" Sooyoung cut my words."Yoona, Fany no fighting Nana is really coming" Sooyoung said while me and Yoona stared her and asking questioning looked. "Why'd you know?" Yoona and me said unison. Sooyoung pointed Yoonas phone. And we are all looking at Yoonas phone. When I see the screen photo who are calling. She's pretty and I feel jealous now my heart are  broke into pieces.

Yoona's POV

I look at my phone and it's Nana who are calling and I press to answer the latter.

"Hello, Nana" I said to Nana. While I am looking at Tiffany and Sooyoung. "Yah, Yoong I am now here. Please go out" She said to me I was panicking. "U-uuh stay there I am coming outside" I said to her and I whispered Sooyoung. "Soo, I'll go out" And she nodded and I patted her arm before I step out.

Outside ~~~ No one's POV

Yoona are now outside she was glancing everywhere but she can't find Nana when suddenly someone bummed into her. Yoona felt heart attack because of the girl. Who surprise her back.

"Yah! Yoongie, I miss you" Nana hugged her back. And Yoona felt heart attack because of what she have done. "Yah~~ I almost died!" Yoona said and touch her left chest. And Nana chuckled "Haha, you gangster felt heart attack" Nana tease Yoona. "So much for that, let's go inside" Yoona said while grabbing some suitcase on side. "Omoo, Yoongie. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that" Nana said to Yoona who are mad. And she followed Yoona with no response.

Sooyoung's POV

"Fany-ah, is Yuri still on her dreamland?" I asked Tiffany who are seating on the couch while crossing her arm. And she look at me weirdly. "Yes, and Jessica. Still in dreamland?" Tiffany countered back. "Aish. Yes she's sleepyhead" I replied to her. "Oh how about last nigh----" Tiffany cut her words because Yoona yelled. "Sooyoung, please open the door" Yoona yelled. And Tiffany stood up and run near to the door to open the latter. "Yah! So noise!" I yelled to her before Tiffany could open the door. And I followed Tiffany on the door while munching some foods actually.

"Yah Sooyoungie" Nana hugged me. And holding some paper bag. She look at Tiffany with her smile "Hi I'm Nana, I am there friend" She waved to Tiffany who are staring at her. And Tiffany spoke. "Hey hi I'm Tiffany owner of the house" She said and they are shaking hands and Tiffany smiled a little bit. "Yayah, let's go inside"Yoona said while dragging some suitcase and I help the latter.

Hyoyeon POV

What did people doing outside it's noisy. I wake up because someone yelled. Aish. I'll take some shower. And when I finally done taking my shower I'll go outside to barrow Yuri some shirts. When I stepped in outside I see a blonde hair I thought it was Jessica but its not. So I call Yoona.

"Yoona~yah" I called Yoona who are beside at the blonde girl. And I have still on towel. And they are all looking at me and laugh. And I already recognized it was Nana. "Hey Hyo" Nana run to me and hugged me "Nana is this really you?" I asked to her she chuckled "Of course Hyo. No other than Yuri's girlfriend." She replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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