I can honestly say that the 48 hours after that
break up were the toughest of all my life. I ugly-
cried those kind of tears that come from
somewhere inside you didn’t even know existed—a
place of fear and sudden awareness that you are
completely alone.
And that’s the place I was in when I met Matthew.
We met a mere 48 hours after the ex and I called it
quits, which could either be considered really
terrible timing or really great timing. I choose to
believe the timing was perfect.
But let’s back up again for just a minute.
Remember how I was working at that little
restaurant? Well, for a couple of years I’d been
waiting on my future in-laws without even knowing
it. We’ll just call them Mr. and Mrs. D for our
purposes here today.
*Coming soon*
Story of my life
RomanceStory of my life is not copied....even story of my life is a song LOL....XD :)