Chapter 8

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I gave her a hug and laughed, saying, "Well,

actually, me and my boyfriend just broke up, so

it's ok."

I thought I'd humor her. Many proud mamas had

bragged on their sons to me before, and if or when

I ever did end up meeting these "handsome"

princes, things were usually awkward and anything

but a match made in heaven.

Mrs. D led me just outside the little foyer where

we'd been waiting. Her car was a few feet away,

and the driver's side door was still open where

she had gotten out. I peered into the car and there

he was: the infamous son.

I'd be lying if I said I heard a choir of angels

singing, or if I said a bright light shone upon him

like some supernatural vision from God, but there

truly was instant attraction. He reached over from

the passenger side seat to shake my hand and

said, "Hey! Nice to finally meet you!"

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