2 || The Brothers of All Evil.

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The Brothers of All Evil.

Everyone has at least pondered about why we are forced to go to school, they chase you down with multiple truancy letters, multiple phone calls or emails home and a threat of arresting your parents if you exceed the limit of absences.

Like why? If I don't want an education, don't chase me. Let me continue running as fast as I possibly can.. I mean, I am only saving myself from severe depression and anxiety.

School is the number one cause of depression and anxiety in my opinion. The issues being from the people, to the lessons and excessive amount of irrelevant homework.

Those are my current thoughts this morning as I sadly sit in the corner of my third period class of AP Trigonometry.

"Alright, welcome students to the first day of your senior year. I have hopes that this year will be better than last, huh? I expect nothing but the best of you." Everyone groans in annoyance as Mr. Peterson starts the class.

"I'm glad everyone is already enjoying this beautiful morning," He begins again sarcastically, "Now, we won't be doing any lessons today but we will go over some ground rules and a brief summary of what we will be getting into this semester-" He's cut off.

"My bad, got lost." The deep voice is ever so familiar to me that I instantly swing my head up to see who it belongs to.

The door shut behind him, the same boy who I ran into yesterday afternoon. The total asshole who never gave me an apology when it was an accident of running into him on my part.

The devil in complete reincarnation.

Mr. Peterson rolls his light green eyes, "Let this be a warning class, I don't care why you are late, who made you late, or whatever other excuse you come up with, just don't be late," He takes a look at a piece of paper laid flat on his desk, "Your name, young man?"

"Adonis Hayes."

Mr. Peterson scribbles something on the paper before looking back up at Adonis, "Take a seat, anywhere. A seating chart will be made by tomorrow so class don't get too comfortable."

His name is Adonis? Please. Yes, the name meaning fits him after he's clearly named after the God of beauty and desire which is in complement of his attractiveness.. but honestly his parents should've named him Hades of the underworld, that would've fit him way better.

Adonis takes a seat at the nearest available one, which is the desk in front of mine. I let out a breath of relief as he doesn't even notice me, hopefully it stays that way.

Our first interaction involved him being a total asshole, so now that I know his energy I want nothing to do with him.

I expected the class to laugh at the embarrassment he just faced, but no. The girls in this period could not stop staring at him just for a second, even going out of their way to offer him a pen or pencil when we did nothing to involve a writing utensil.

They clearly already worship this waste of a life.

First he invades my neighborhood, and now he's invading my high school? I can tell he's already a virus, a deadly one.

He might be my neighbor, but there is still a gap to avoid him and act like he doesn't exist.. and that is what I plan on doing.

For as long as I or he lives here.

"Get your ugly ass fingers off of my plate of fries." Camila threatens Ashton as he is currently digging in her plate of fries as we are seated at a new location for this year in the lunchroom, we chose the circle table in the far right sort of aiming in the middle.

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