7.5~ Rumors (pt.2)

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~Peter POV~
*Ding, ding, ding* My alarm sounds. 'Every time I hear this damn sound I want to throw my phone at the wall.' I was up most of the night and I feel like I've only gotten an hour of sleep. Grabbing my phone I glance at the time... *5:25 am.*
"Great" I forgot to delete this alarm. Lara Jean set it for me so I would get up and get ready in time to pick her and Kitty up in the mornings.
"Might as well get ready now." I get up, grabbing my things for a shower.

While getting ready I can't help but think back to yesterday...
"We need space Peter and I really mean it this time..." 'I still can't believe she ended it, ended... us? She had every right to... And I need time to sort out my feelings towards Gen but...' Pausing my thoughts I look at my reflection in the mirror and take a deep breath.
"She really isn't mine anymore." I say to myself before turning out the light and walking downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen I bump in my mom. 'great.'
"Oh geez! Peter, you scared-" stopping mid sentence she looks at me.
"Honey you look terrible." Scoffing, I walked passed her to the fridge.
"Thanks mom."
"Are you okay?" She asks turning toward me, giving me a sympathetic smile. 'I really don't want to get into this right now...'
"Yeah I just didn't get much sleep last night and forgot to delete that early alarm... you know the one Lara Jean set for me so I-" she nods, cutting me off.
"I know." Is all she says... like she's expecting me to say something else.
"Mom I'm fine. I mean it hurts... but I really don't want to get into everything, especially when I'm about to leave for school where I'll see her." I sigh looking down to avoid her lingering eyes. A couple minutes later she leaves the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts...

I get to school earlier than usual but decide to just sit in my car until the bell rings. I open Instagram to pass the time...

Right as I step out of my car the warning bell rings and up walks Lara Jean... Stopping right in front of the school. 'Just my luck... wait. she's later than usual, we- she usually likes to get to school at least 15 minutes before the bell rings.' Wanting to avoid an uncomfortable situation, I get back in my car. I can't help but stare at her, that amazing girl I lost just yesterday...

'Something's wrong. She's not going inside and she looks panicked... Why?' That's when I noticed him... Sanderson, Walking towards her. 'Are you serious? I knew he'd try something as soon as-' My thoughts come to a screeching halt when I see her push him back. I'm filled with so much anger I didn't realize I'm out of my car making my way to them. 'I'm gonna kill this dude.' She's yelling at him, I can't make any of it out because all I'm focused on is helping my Covey. He isn't even paying attention to her, he's just got a stupid grin on his face looking anywhere and everywhere but her face. That's when he notices me walking right towards him and his grin only gets bigger. 'Yep, you know what's coming to you.' I'm a few feet away from both of them when my feet stop marching and my body freezes.. Almost all my anger is gone and replaced with pain... all so quickly I see him grab her and kiss her passionately. I close my eyes to try to shield myself from the pain but it's too late, I saw what I saw. I open my eyes to see the two of them still embracing each other, she doesn't look mad anymore and he looks as happy as ever. 'Dick.' Taking yet another deep breath and trying to gather myself I walk right past them, letting them be. 'How could she do this to me? She just ended things yesterday...'

Walking through the front doors, my only goal is to get to first period, don't talk to anyone and get as far away from Lara Jean and Sanderson as you can. Speeding down the hallway, I manage to make it to the door before the bell rings but am stopped by my teacher before I can make it to my seat.
"So, it seems as though you requested a schedule change for this semester Mr. Kavinsky." He tells me while handing me my new schedule. 'Shit. I forgot I did this. I wanted to spend more time with her at school. I missed her... '
"Yes, thank you sir." Shaking his hand I take my new schedule and head to my new first period.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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