XXVII | the world will keep spinning

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Two months rapidly past by

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Two months rapidly past by. Spring was almost over, and the scorching heat of the sun gleamed over our heads in the soft longing breeze of a hot April's day.

I walked through the garden in my parents' backyard. It had rained that morning. It rained almost every morning. But I didn't mind it. The small drops adorned the pretty yellow flowers in the bushes. The scented wind blew through my hair as I strolled through the white, rocky path.

"Jiwoo!" I heard someone call my name. I turned and looked up at the balcony, where the sound came from. I smiled at what I saw.

Jaehyun waved a box of takeout, flashing me his adorable dimples. I ran back upstairs to meet him.

Jaehyun and I had gotten pretty close. With him coming over so much to meet with Taeil and my father, it was almost impossible not to run into him. It was nice having a new friend around, especially since Yejin kept acting weird and distancing herself from me. I couldn't help but worry about her though. Something was definitely wrong but she kept shutting me out, reassuring me that it wasn't a big deal and that's she'd fix it herself.

I shook my worries off as I walked through the glass balcony door, "please tell me that's chicken," I said as I ran towards the box on the table. "Yes!" I exclaimed when I saw it was exactly that.

I sat down, quickly grabbing the delicious food and stuffing my face.

"So," I spoke, my mouth still full of chicken, "we doing something today?"

He laughed, "pfft. Is that all I am? Your ticket to get out of this house?" He shook his head in fake disappointment, "I'm here to meet Taeil."

I pouted, I was looking forward to getting out of the house. Not that I was confined to stay in, but I didn't enjoy being out by myself. Aside from Yejin, Jaehyun was my closest friend, but he was often too busy with work, and our only hangout times were moments like this one.

"Taeil this, Taeil that. It's s alway Taeil. Why does no one care about me?" I continued to pout like a child as I messily took another bite off my drumstick.

He scoffed at my remark, shaking his head slightly, before his expression started to change from laughter to a look I couldn't quite describe. His eyes glued on my face as he obviously hesitated to say something.

"What is it?" I asked.

What's he so focused on?

I followed his eyes, moving from my own to my lips. Inching closer, he took a napkin from the box in front of us and wiped something off the left corner of my mouth.

My cheeks grew flushed at the sudden contact. He noticed and pulled away.

"There was sauce on your face..."

I stood up, "I should call Taeil for you," I quickly re-entered the house and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and poured myself some water, chugged it down, and sat on a stool with a sigh.

"What the hell was that? Stupid! Why did I blush? Why did I run away?! He was just helping me out... oh no... what if I just weirded him out? What if—"

"You talking to yourself?"

I gasped loudly, turning around to see my brother, "gosh Taeil! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Relax weirdo," he ruffled my hair.

"Jaehyun is looking for you," I said as I swatted his hand away and fixed the mess he created, "he's on the balcony."

Taeil sighed loudly, "god, it's like he lives here," he said between his teeth. I gave him a questioning look, "if you'd actually go to the company office he'd probably meet you there instead..."

"I'm there all the time sis, he just likes to come here. I wonder why that is?" He cocked his head to the side and spoke teasingly. I furrowed my brows together. He scoffed and walked away in my friend's direction.

The hell is up with him?

I sat up from the stool and turned to go up to my room but Taeil's voice, coming into the kitchen once more, stopped me, "oh, by the way mom wants to see you. I wonder why that is?"

"Stop. Why do you keep asking that?"

He shrugged with a sarcastic "I don't know" expression and left once more.


I went up the stairs to my mother's room just to find it empty. I walked all over the house but she seemed to have vanished.

Whatever, I bet it wasn't important anyway.

I flopped on my bed tiredly. The day had just started but for some reason I already wanted it to be over. My eyes began to shut but w wildly loud ring of my phone shook my sleep away.

I jumped and took my phone in my hands reading the name on the screen.

"Yejinie! Finally! Why haven't you been replying to my messages?!"

"Jiwoo..." she spoke softly, sadness clear in her voice, "I don't know what to do..."

My heart sunk in my chest, "what happened?"

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