When we arrive there are plenty of people around already. Everyone was dressed in a mix of styles. All the girls girls ranged from converse, jeans and tees to tiny succulent mini dresses with sky high stilettos and anywhere in between.
Grace grabbed my hand in hers and I led the way into the party keen to see Lucas. Or keen for Lucas to see me.
We are greeted by a few people but I don't let us stay for too long. Eager to make our way through to wherever Lucas is.
We trudge through the rather large hallway that is packed with people piling in. The next open space looks like a makeshift dance floor playing only the latest songs as we easily dance through as there are not too many people there yet. No sign of Lucas' tall figure and dark ruffled hair.
We head past the pool table which has half the team hanging around it. Matt grabs my wrist to pull me back. "You look amazing," he states gazing at me.
I smile brightly, just the effect I was going for.
"Thanks Matt! I'm just going to grab a drink want one?" I ask removing his hand. "Sure a beer thanks," I smile again and depart from his lingering stare feeling even hotter than before.
Grace whispered "Matt's totally staring at you," I glanced back at him. He was standing there staring like a fish out of water. We both giggled and walked away. Boys could be so simple sometimes.
As we reach the kitchen with a slight disappointment I realise that it has none of the team. Grace looks at me knowingly and pulls a little sad puppy face which makes me giggle. She pours me a small weak drink and a beer for Matt and hands me both. She grabs a cup of water for herself.
"Dance floor?" She suggests.
I nod not feeling that much like dancing anymore. We head back to give Matt his drink.
"I thought my brother was here..." I say to Matt not caring where my brother was but knowing this would be where Lucas was.
He showed me a text from Lucas on his screen: *we are on our way now*
My heart leaps. I try to act cool about it in front of Matt.
Grace and I make a quick pit stop in the bathroom nearby to discuss where we should be when he enters. I nervously drink my whole drink as we decide where to be.
Out the front is for the wasted people, the entryway was too packed so went back to the dance floor grabbing another drink on the way.
The dance floor is starting to fill up now but it isn't crammed. Grace and I just jump in I'm glad I've had my one drink as it makes me relax and dance with ease.
After two songs I feel eyes on me. I smile to myself closing my eyes while swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music. My heart beats faster at the thought of what we might do tonight. The thought that he was watching me move now did things to me more than any alcohol could. My body felt incredibly hot all of a sudden.
Grace squeezes my hand I look over to see her excited grin. Her eyes flicker towards the door and I know she is letting me know Lucas was standing there. I don't want to wait. I just want to jump on him in the doorway and wrap my legs around him. I want to make out with him so bad. My lips felt tingly as I licked them and drank the rest of my second drink. Which makes this lightweight officially drunk.
I turn around playfully dancing and am met with Lucas raking his eyes from my toes up to my head. His eyes darken and he eventually comes the whole way up to my face meeting my eyes. His face is confused for a second as they register who he was blatantly checking out. His mouth pops open in a perfect o shape. Making his hot face look kind of goofy. I laugh and flick my hair as I turn away and keep moving like I'm loving it. I am loving it. Grace is nodding vigorously at me then winces slightly.
Suddenly I'm dragged off the dance floor. Smirking to myself I spin towards Lucas. Only it isn't Lucas. It is Harris. Looking very angry and very fatherly. Oh great. He snatches the empty cup from my hand. He sniffs the cup.
"Drinking again?" He says with so much disappointment I actually feel bad. I pout at him but it doesn't seem to work like normal. His face is so angry it's glowing red.
"Yes, I only had one," I scowl and cross my fingers behind my back because I wasn't lying that much.
"After last weekend?" He says the disapproval in his tone ringing clearly.
I cross my arms and scowl at him.
"I always drink 1 weak drink Harris," I throw my hands in the air "big deal for once in my teenage life I got wasted, I don't do it all the time like every other person here and nothing happened," I say lying again.
Grace interrupts and gives him a hug. Thank gosh for Grace - helping new out at every turn. His scowl lessens considerably as he chats to her about their different schools and sports. She sneakily pokes me in the arm. She asks him if he drove and if he could drive her home quickly.
I smile broadly as I side step the pair of them and head to the kitchen. I text her a quick thank you I owe you a big one!
I know Harris will drop her off because he can't help himself if there is a damsel in distress. And Grace knows how to put on a really good damsel in distress. I grab another two drinks and run out to the dance floor. I side step Matt along the way who is hoping one cup is for him.
I drink one and let it fall to the floor as I sashayed to the rhythm. I loved dancing.
I felt eyes on me from behind and knew from the magnetic pull exactly who it was.
I twirled with my hands in the air and caught his eyes with my own. I held eye contact as I swayed my hips for a moment. Lucas' stare was so intense. My mouth felt dry as I licked my lips. I smirk at him and look down while twirling back around.
My heart was hammering in my chest. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and glanced at him still staring with such intensity. It gave me a thrill like no other. The song switched to a faster beat and I kept in time swinging my hips faster. His eyes practically burned a hole into me and fuelled me to dance faster.
It was not long before I felt his chest against my back. His smell was intoxicating and addictive. My body felt incredibly hot all of a sudden. I leaned back into him as his hands loosely held my waist on either side. This is what I had been waiting for. It had been so long since he had touched me they days had felt like months.
I almost moaned out loud at the feeling of his hands on my body. No one would have noticed with the loud music and the crowded dance floor. His fingers moved up and down from my waist to my hips and back up again. I leaned my whole body against his now craving more physical touch. I was still moving my whole body to the music. One of his hands moved my long hair gently to the front of one side as his warm wet mouth came down on my now bare other side of neck. This time I moaned into the music and put one arm up and around him pulling him closer. His body moved in rhythm with mine as he assaulted my bare side of my neck with hungry kisses. I tilted my head so he had full access.
As I moved my hips I could feel his desire against me. I began to move up and down with my hips in a slow teasing manner knowing what I was doing to him. He firmly grabbed my hips and held them still. "Do you want to go outside for a smoke?" He voice was deep and raspy almost unrecognisable in my ear. His warm breath made me lean into his lips. We both knew neither of us smoked. I grinned as I spun around to face him keeping my body close to his. "Thought you'd never ask" I reply with a wicked smile. I had a finger in his belt loop and pulled it towards me. He tilted his head back and I guessed he groaned. His Adam's apple bobbed. He straightened up as he place distance between us.
"I will see you outside in about 10 minutes?" He confirmed.
"5 minutes," I bargained holding my hand out.
"Deal," he said grabbing my hand but instead of shaking he pulled it up to his mouth and opened it to kiss my palm. His kiss shivers shooting up my arm.

My Brother's Best Friend
Teen Fiction⚠️ Sex scenes and inappropriate language ⚠️ When Matt dares Lucas to kiss his best friend's little sister in a game of Truth and Dare he doesn't realise just how much drama he has caused. While Mathers' the football captain is an inch away from ru...