The Date

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I open the door to my old home as quickly and quietly as I can. I take off my sandals and leave them as the front. Sounds of soft laughter echo through the house as I make my way towards the noise. I peek around the corner to see my mother and father sitting at the table playing with a small cat.

"I'm home!" I say as I turn the corner.

They both look up at me with a bigger smile of their face. My mother jumps up from her seat and runs towards me. She jumps up in the air and hugs me tightly. My father walks up to us as well and hugs me as well over mother.

After a few seconds father let's go but mother still seems to have a tight grip around me. "You can let go now mother." I say as I try to pull away from the hug.

"No, it's been so long since I last held you!" She says pulling me back in the hug.

I look up towards father asking for help, but he just looks at me. "Okay mother I think it's been long enough." I try to pull away from the hug again but she just tightens her grip around me even more.

"When did you arrive Y/n?" Father asks still watching me in amusement.

"I got here last night b-"

"Last night!" My mother interjects in a mad tone. "Why didn't you visit last night?!"

I look down a her as she still has her arms around me." When I arrived I met up with Ino and she took me out to eat with a few other friends."

Mother makes a pouty face and goes back to the hug." You still should've came after that!"

"I'm sorry alright. Anyways, where are Hiromi and Itsuo at?

Mothers face went from cheerful one to a depressed one. Fathers face did as well.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to them?!" I ask as my heart starts to beat increases.

"After you left on your journey, Hiromi and Itsuo both joined the ANBU like you in hopes of becoming great nin just like you. Last month they left on a mission and..."

"They haven't came back yet." Mother finishes the sentence for father breaking apart from the hug.

"You two shouldn't worry about them. Missions can always take longer than they intended to. Hiromi and Itsuo are both very skilled shinobi. They will be okay." I tell them, trying to comfort their worries.

"You're my kids! I have to worry!"

"You have to believe in them. I believe in them." I say as I put my hand on her shoulder. 

A odd feeling starts occurring in my stomach. Maybe mother is right and something is wrong. They're  both very skilled in the both ninjutsu and taijutsu, so nothing should really be a challenge for them.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Father says making snap back into reality.

"Yeah I'm fine, just zoned out a bit! Anyways you ready for a game of gomoku!"

Father gets a big smile on his face when I mentioned the game. "I've been waiting for that rematch since you've left!"

I follow him to the backyard, underneath the weeping cherry blossoms, to the spot we always sit down and play. He opens up a hollowed out rock, picking up the board, and placing it right in front of us.

"What's our current record right now?" I ask as I grab all the small black stones.

"I think it's seventy-eight to seventy-nine right now with you in the lead by one."

He places down the first stone on the board since I won last time we played. I put my stone right next to his blocking his next move.

"So...why did Hiromi and Itsuo join the ANBU?" I ask out of the blue.

A Shinobi's Curse: Tenten x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now