A Trip To Kumo: Akuma Cave Pt.2

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Heads up, this chapter is going to get very dark at a few points in the story. It may make some of you uncomfortable. This is just a small warning.

The feeling of ice cold water covered her whole body. One second she was walking with Y/n and the next she second she had been submerged into a lake. When she surfaced, she began gasping for air desperately and looked around her new location. "What the hell!" She exclaimed as she began swimming towards a shore off in the distance.

She arrived to the shore and looked around the forest. Not a single house or road was in sight. But in the distance there was a smoke behind the flowery hill. Tenten began walking towards the smoke that was rising into the blue sky with her guard up. After what happened with her almost drowning in the water, she didn't want to take any chances that could lead to her getting into deep trouble.

As she made her climb up the hill, her nose picked up the sweet aroma of sesame dumplings. Her mouth began watering and stomach began growling.

Once she got to the top of the hill, a small shack was not that far. The smoke she saw was coming from the brick chimney towards the back of the house. Tenten couldn't make out what the house was made of as vines had grown through most of it, besides the windows that she could see. There was a faint light peeking out through what she thought were white cloth drapes, and shadows moved in front of them in a hurry.

She began her descent from the hill towards the house. She tried to move fast to avoid being detected, but it seemed that someone inside saw her as the curtain was opened a bit before being close instantly soon after. "Shit!" She said and grabbed her top scroll.

As she got closer she could see the dark wood from the house and she began to wonder how they managed to get all of this with no help in sight. The smell of dumplings got stronger making her stomach growl louder and longer. She jumped towards the house and took cover underneath the window while holding her stomach in hopes of silence her hunger.

She began slowly creeping up to the door, reaching for the handle. Her finger tips slightly touched the knob, rattling it a bit causing her to jump back behind the corner quickly. Her heart began thumping intensely to the point where she felt like anyone could hear it.

Tenten could hear the gear in the door turn and it slowly opened. She held her breath as footsteps began walking on the dirt towards her. The thumping increased to the point where she felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest any second. Sliding her finger down the edge of the scroll, she opened it slightly and began aiming it towards the corner. She looked at the persons shadow grows by the second.

A hand wrapped around the edge of the house, gripping onto the vines. Then the top of the persons head slowly popped out. But before they could show their face, Tenten opened her scroll all the way sending her weapons flying out, towards the person.

"Tenten, what the hell is wrong with you?!" The person yelled out and looked over the corner once all the weapons flew past them.

Tenten was frozen in place when she saw the woman's face. It looked exactly like her. Same eyes, hair, and even the face. "W-who are you? And how do you know my name?!" She backed up a bit with her scroll ready for another attack.

The woman looked at her confused. "What's gotten into you? That's no way to talk to your mother!"

Tenten's ears perked up when she heard the last word. "Mother?" She said looking up at the woman. "I don't know of any mother."

"Stop acting stupid and come inside, you'll catch a cold if you don't change out of that clothes." The woman walked into the house where muffled chatter could be heard. "You daughter is acting funny again."

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