Chapter 7

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Yuki POV

We finish the other tests with ease, the standing long jump I propelled myself up with the help of my lightning, so did Natsu. Bambi and Happy just flew up, what cheats hehe. 50 meter sprint wasn't too hard either, Natsu and I were already naturally fast, I ended up with a score of 4.01 seconds finishing just before Hedgehog and Natsu, Happy followed up with a 'Happy Max Speed Attack' which funnily enough landed him a solid 3.97 seconds, similar to Bambi. For repeated side steps, there was this... boy? He had purple balls on his head, my goodness he was crossing the line so quickly, it looked like he was invisible. I just closed my eyes and imagined Gajeel and Erza by my sides either stabbing me or hammering me.

Ever since Gajeel joined the guild we have been rivals but it doesn't mean I don't miss him, I miss everyone. I whisper quietly "Don't get stabbed, don't get hammered, don't get stabbed, don't get hammered." I hear next to me "Don't get stabbed, don't get iced, don't get stabbed, don't get iced" I grin seeing Natsu is doing the same thing. Once we finish, the whole class goes "WHAT??! Who is stabbing you? Who is getting a hammer and hitting you? Who is encasing you in ice?" We flinch "TOO LOUD!! Shhh." The whole class is confused? "We have heightened sensed like smell, hearing, sight and so on, a perk of being a dragon slayer." Oh crap, good one Natsu "Dragon slayer?" we explain our 'quirk' some more and they understand it more. "Also, Natsu were you imagining Gray?" "Yeah, that Ice Princess and Erza just doing their jobs, stupid Droopy Eyes." "Hey! You might not like him but I do, he isn't even here to defend himself, or call you Flame Brain, Slanty Eyes!" I feel tears threatening to fall down. "I'm sorry sis, I know you miss him, I'm sorry." He gives me a big hug and I cry in his shoulders. 

It was time for the others to do their softball pitch, although there was this one boy, he had red and white coloured hair with a scar on his eye, I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive, but I already have someone which I love dearly. When it was his go to throw I felt the temperature drop, significantly. I knew what he was going to use... Ice. When he threw the ball, he created a large glacier behind it, pushing it further. Seeing the ice brought back to many memories of Gray, how much I missed him, how much I wanted him here with me. I couldn't help it, I started crying like a crybaby, Natsu knew why. He hugged me and didn't say anything, I was sobbing "I miss him, I miss him, I miss him, I miss him." Everyone was very confused with what just happened to me.

Aizawa POV

"Ok brats, I now have added in an extra test, we will by skydiving except you will need to use your quirks to prevent yourself from free falling 4000 meters, it's fine we will have a enlarged trampoline-type material at the bottom, so if anything happens you will still be safe. Now get on the plane." Everyone is pretty excited for this new test, except for the Dragneels? Maybe they were afraid of heights? "Hey, Yuki, Natsu come one get on the plane." They gulp.

Natsu POV

"NO WAY, ARE WE GETTING ON THAT THING!" Denki comes over to me "No it's find man, with a quirk like yours I'm sure you can make it down safely same as your sister, you guys have already excelled our abilities one million times over." "No, it's not that, it's that" I shakily point my finger to the plane Yuki's soul looks like it's about to leave her body "YUKI! Come on stay with me, don't go into the light." "Come on man, heights can't be that bad, right?" "IT'S NOT THE HEIGHT! IT'S THAT TORTURE DEVICE" Yuki and I said together, reluctantly we climb aboard that thing, the instant the motor starts we go green in the face, slump in our chairs and can't utter a single word. "Woah, what happened they just, died?" Uraraka looked at us with concern. "Nah it's normal, their weakness is motion sickness, it's crazy how quickly it takes effect." Happy states. 

"Ok brats, it's go time." Everyone had discussed their plans with eachother, Mineta making a trampoline of balls, Sero swinging his way down once he got to a suitable height, Kirishima would use his quirk right before he hit the ground, Yaoyorozu would create a parachute mid-free fall etc. 

Yuki POV

Once Shota opened the door people were getting ready to jump, I said to Natsu "Lets have a competition, we can't use our 'quirks' just free fall, after all we are only 4000 meters, we've fallen further." I try not to spew on everyone, "Deal." "What are you serious? You guys will die" The class says but it was too late we had already jumped out. The instant we jump out we feel instantly better "Woohoo! No more motion sickness!!"

Class POV


'Are they crazy? They will die if they don't use their quirks!
Hey their motion sickness is cured, wow that is a weird weakness
and what? They are laughing? They are so weird?' 

"It's fine they will be fine, it's the usual to fall double to triple this height," We turn around to see the tan cat girl and blue cat boy say, "See ya down there." and with that, they two jumped off the plane but sprouted their wings.

- Timeskip -

Yuki POV

"That was so fun." I grin at Natsu we were the first to arrive because we didn't need to use or make anything, there was just a huge crater where were landed. "Tie sis?" "Tie." When the class arrived later they start bombarding us with questions "WHAT? HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD? THAT WAS 4000 METERS??? WHY DID YOU USE YOUR QUIRKS??" We flinch "QUIET!! TOO LOUD" We say. We start explaining how we were used to this, we've jumped from higher altitudes before. Everyone was just shocked. "Ok, come one, get changed back into your uniforms, quirk apprehension test is over, oh and Natsu, Yuki, I'm impressed." He finished off with a smile.

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