507 7 2

Word count: 803
A/N: Updates for this fanfic are probably gonna be really slow. Sorry, I'm a really slow writer...

"Oh look, we have English and PE together! That's way better than last year

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"Oh look, we have English and PE together! That's way better than last year." F/n sat across from you at the lunch table scrolling though the schedule you sent them.

You both had just come from your 3rd period classes which, thankfully for you, didn't have Wilbur in them. So far, you only had him in 1st period and that was enough.

F/n, on the other hand, hadn't found out the rumors were true yet, but you weren't much in the mood to tell them. You still were processing the whole situation. It was all you could really think about, and you hated it.

"Thank god, PE was like hell without you last year." You looked off to the side for a moment, trying to concentrate on anything but the thought of Wilbur.

"Same here. All the boys somehow get even more annoying in that class." F/n put their phone down and looked up at you. "By the way, how have your last few classes been? Like science, is Mr. Lee as nice as everyone says?"

'Noooo. I wanted to distract myself, not think about that class even more.'

"Mr. Lee is fine, but..."


'Should I tell them about Wilbur transferring here? Ugh, just them y/n.'

"You alright, y/n?"

"You were right about Wilbur transferring here."

"Wait really?! How do you know?"

"He was in my science class."

"That's awesome! What's the problem?"

"Well-" F/n cut you off while pointing at something behind you.

"-Hold on a minute, check out the 6:00."

"F/n, nobody uses clock positions anymo-"

"-Just look."

You glanced behind you to see Wilbur at the table next to yours. He was sitting with a few students talking with him and each other. You weren't surprised. In fact, you were a little disappointed with your classmates.

"I guess the rumors were really true. Let's go talk to him!" F/n excitedly suggested, and you quickly turned back to them in a panic.

"No, are you crazy?!"

"Oh come on, I'm sure he doesn't bite."


"Fine, suit yourself. Just watch my backpack for me, ok?" F/n got up and walked over to Wilbur's table before you could argue any further.

You groaned and laid your head on the table.

'Of all the things that could have happened this year, Wilbur fricking Robinson is here. And now f/n wants to be friends with him. Gimme a break.'

You laid for another minute until you decided to look back behind you to see what f/n was doing. You saw them standing next Wilbur while he was sitting at the table. The two were talking to each other casually. You couldn't really tell what the two were all talking about, but before you figure it out they stopped and took out their phones. Wilbur handed f/n his phone, and f/n handed him theirs. Then f/n noticed your gaze and smirked.

'What the heck are they doing?'

After some time, f/n finished using Wilbur's phone and gave it back to him and Wilbur did the same. They both waved and f/n came back to your table. Now you were curious.

"So...what happened?"

"Oh, nothing. I just gave Wilbur my number, aaaand I might have given him yours too."

"What why?!?"

"Cause why not. We could start a group chat or something. I'm sure it could be fun. I just hope he's not the type to send iMessage games all the time."

"I swear if I get an 8 ball game message from some random number I'm suing you."

"I love you too, y/n."

'What am I gonna do with you f/n. I really hope your joking, or maybe that this is all just some dream. Yeah, a dream, that makes more sense honestly. I'm sure I'll wake up soon and none of this would've happened.'

The bell rang signaling lunch was over and you both got up to go to your next class, English.

You tried to tell yourself the day was almost over, but you still had 4 more classes left. Now you remember how miserable school could be, and Wilbur being there wasn't helping.

"Hey, you ok?" F/n noticed the small frown forming on your face. You hadn't even noticed you were making one, but you quickly covered it up with a small smile.

"I'm fine. It's just school, I guess."

"Yeah. I know that feeling, but hey you've got me!"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Come on. Admit it, you love me." F/n smirked.

"Mhm, sure." You both laughed and continued walking down the hall to your next class together.




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