Chapter 711-720

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Chapter 711 "A Good Play's Opening (6)"

Stationary in her pose, Bai Yan did not budge an inch. For those that's unaware or too blind to see, it would appear like the woman's lost her wits and couldn't move those legs at all.

Mu Leng definitely fell into the foolish category. Smirking sinisterly, she was so overjoyed when her sword made contact that she actually broke out laughing. However, the next sensation to hit her wrist shattered the delusion in her head for the impact from the slash felt like it's hitting a rock. In fact, it was so bad that the blade now had a huge dent at the mid-section.

Stunned beyond recognition, the impudent wench glances down at the source of her dismay. To her horror, the longsword was being blocked off by a single hand. To be specific, it's Bai Yan's hand. There's not a drop of blood from the blade touching the skin.

Likewise, the onlooking crowds were also left speechless, this included the two brothers who were ready to dash in to help their student. And as always, the only one to stand out in this picture was the womanizer. His hearty laugh filled with bemused tears were like slaps against Mu Leng's pride.

Feeling a trickle of sweat coming down her side, Mu Leng in her frantic state refuses to believe the truth. Waving her sword again, the impudent wench makes another swing at Bai Yan's shoulder and causes her dress to slit open in that area, revealing the lovely shoulder and partial undergarment underneath for all to see.

Though the important parts were perfectly covered, but the mere fact that the womanizer could get a glimpse of that amazing flesh from such beauty was enough to give him a boner. This applied to a lot of the younger males. As always, the tougher the catch, the more delectable it was when they finally get something, even if it's just a tease.

Furrowing her brow at this, Bai Yan peers over to her side in discontent, knowing full well the ogling eyes coming her way. "I'm so foolish. I forgot my clothes aren't protected, and I really liked this dress too...."

That comment immediately warranted a wave of curses at her from the female gender. Really? You're worrying about your dress when your body just handled a razor-sharp sword and is practically flashing to all the men?

No words could be said at this incredulous scene. The hearts of the males were pounding with excitement like it's about to pop out and drop to the floor. It's too exhilarating of a show to see someone so strong and so attractive!

"I had wanted to let you have three moves before I begin. Unfortunately for you, you've ripped my dress." Getting dangerously cold in her eyes, "So, I will no longer give you that opportunity."


Finally retaliating, Bai Yan's hand firmly comes down at Mu Leng's head, popping it and blowing all of the innards out like a watermelon. Brain, blood, bone, everything that came out was repulsive as it stained the floor red with its content....


Seeing her precious student fall in combat, Muzhen flew into a fitting rage. Resentment, cruelty, hatred, all that one could sum up in a situation like this was showing in those eyes. "You dare kill my disciple. I will not spare you!"


Breaking out everything a high level Monarch Rank could muster, Muzhen wants to pummel the foe with her punch that's infused with all her might. Unfortunately for this old beauty, Zhongnan (older) knew this and immediately stepped in front of Bai Yan to block off the attack.

"You want to harm my disciple in front of my face? Do you think I'm dead or something?"


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