Chapter 721-730

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Chapter 721 "The Lightning Strike of an Eighth Grade Pill (5)"

Muzhen's face froze over. From what was a flaring irritable expression had turned into a look of disbelief after catching a glimpse of who just barged into their conversation.

Bai Chang Feng? The person is actually the lord of the Medicine Sect, Bai Chang Feng?

"Lord Bai, you're here?" Chief Wu Wei heaves a sigh of relief at the sight of the old man, "You mean to say you are certain that is the result of someone trying to refine an eighth grade Dan pill?"

"Wouldn't you know it yourself?" Pricking his brow at the odd question, the old grandpa looked rather baffled by this. "This alchemist is your people, why are you not aware of who's in there when you are their leader? But compared to the one I experienced years ago during my first attempt at making a breakthrough into the eighth grade, this one is much more violent. That fact alone is enough for me to discern the recipe is at least in the upper tier." His lips had curved into a faint smile, oblivious to the fact that Muzhen's complexion had turned a ghastly white over his statement. "It seems my trip this time is not in vain. To be able to meet someone at my level is a true honor."

Sighing, Chief Wu Wei shakes: "But the one in there refining is only a Monarch Rank."

"Monarch Rank?" Bai Chang Feng's calm attitude instantly changed into a fitting rage: "How outrageous! How can a mere Monarch Rank's body endure the destructive force of the lightning strikes created by an alchemic trial? Is that person dead in the brain? The individual should be well over sixty by now, how could they not understand something so simple?!"

The old man's body was practically shaking due to the frustration and irritation he felt. It's hard enough to meet another person at his cultivation level, it's even harder to meet an alchemist with as much insight. Now before he could even get to know the other party and have some verbal exchanges of knowledge, the other person's going to be struck down by their own folly?

If the person inside somehow survives and come out of there then I will definitely teach him a good lesson!

Fortunately Bai Chang Feng didn't know the person in there was his own granddaughter, otherwise the ones to face his ire right now would be these from the Misty Fairy House. It wouldn't be an exaggeration for him to openly declare war if that's the case.

Making an awkward gesture, the chief sounded embarrassed in his voice: "The one inside, she's not sixty something, she's only twenty something years old."

"Twenty something years old?" This time it was the old lord's turn to be taken aback, "There is someone else in this world who is as talented as my granddaughter? My sweet granddaughter is only at the higher level of the King Rank and is capable of refining up to the seventh grade in her alchemy, to think there is someone just as great in that room right now and is trying for an eighth grade...."

As far as he knows, Bai Yan was only at the King Rank prior to the girl's departure for the Demon Realm, hence the reason why he couldn't connect the dots. A few months was too short of a period for most to make an advance like so.

"Lord Bai," Jun Tian Yue (wife) suddenly hurls herself up to the old man's side and made a firm grab for that arm, "Can you find a way to save her inside there?"

"This... I'm sorry, but only the lady in there can save herself now. No one can interfere when it has come to this," he firmly shakes his head.

Of course, if Bai Chang Feng knew who was in there then its doubtful this old grandpa could remain so calm. Heck, he might just dart in there and make the loudest and biggest commotion of them all.

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