The First Truth: Part 2

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*Squad room*

Rio storms into the squad room, goes over to his desk, grabs his stuff and storms pass Dom and Ola, both sitting at their desk, to the elevator.

Rio: I'm going out.

Ola: *Looking confused from Rio's direction to Dontae sitting across from her* Oooookkkkaaayy...

Dom: Something is terribly wrong...

Gabby comes running I'm from the direction Rio entered past the two to the elevator. She rapidly presses the down bottom before running towards the stairs.

*20 minutes later*

Jane and Micky show the De'JaneRio's to the elevators. They both take turns hugging the parents before watching the elevator door close. Jane visibly lets out a big breath of air, before her and Micky walk back over to the squad area.

Jay: What do we got?

Dom: Are we not going to talk about this? *walking over to Jane, Ola following behind*

Jay: No, what do we got?!

Micky: If you need me, I'll be in autopsy.

Jay: Thank you doctor.

Micky: You're most welcome my dear. *Leaves for autopsy*

Jay: *Looks at Dontae and Ola who both have looks of inquire on their faces* It's not my place to tell...

Ola: Rio...

Jay: *Nods* Now please, Peter Marshall...

Dom: *Walks over to the apple tv holding his ipad* Peter Marshall, thirty-four of Highland, works for the Highland Alternative School on westside. No, wife or girlfriend, no kids.

Jay: Parents?

Ola: None, Peter Marshall is an orphan... He bounced from foster home to foster home until he was eighteen and old enough to be on his own. Never looked back.

Dom: Got his GED, went to community college, because a teacher at the alternative school...

Jay: *Over come with sadness, whispers to herself* He was on his own all this time...

Dom: What?

Jay: Nothing... Start with the alternative school. Talk to the staff and the students that he worked closely with. I'll try and track down his last foster family... *Places the picture of Marshall in a folder on her desk and grabs her gear*

Dom: *Opens the folder* Is this him? Marshall?

Jane nods, Ola looks over Dontae's shoulder at the picture.

Ola: Is this...

Jay: *Nods and takes the picture from Dontae* If you guys hear from Rio, tell him nothing about the case, he's sitting this one out...

Ola and Dontae both nod and grab their gear. They all head for the elevator.

*Highland Social Services Department*

Jay enters the HSSD and walks up to the closes receptionist.

Jay: Excuse me ma'am, my name is Detective Jane Doe with Highland P.D. *Holds up her badge*, is there a way I could find a person who was in the system a while ago?

Receptionist: How long ago ma'am?

Jay: He's thirty-four now, so it would have been about sixteen years ago...

Receptionist: Name?

Jay: Peter Marshall.

Receptionist: *Types on her computer* Would you happen to have a picture for comparison?

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