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*****************AUTHOR'S NOTE*****************

Here's a link to a playlist that accompanies this entire story, updated DAILY.



He smiled and stood up, holding his hands out to her. "Of course, let me help you get all of this picked up and into the house. Do you think it would be safe to go in now? Or should I wait a while before coming back into the house?"

Lydia grabbed his hands and stood up. "I think we should wait a few weeks. You've met my grandparents anyway. I'd love to meet your parents and siblings, if they're around."

He smiled. "Give me about a week to make sure we're all good at home and then I'll bring you over one day after school."

She smiled wide, throwing the blanket over her shoulder. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She closed the box and picked it up, sticking it under her arm before reaching for his hand. "Let's get home."

Jacob kissed her hand and led her down the path back to her house. As it came into view, it was growing increasingly darker and colder outside. Almost as cold as his skin. And that worried Lydia, but she didn't want to ruin a good moment by saying anything about it. She needed to get in the house so she could cleanse her aura as well.

They both came to the end of the sidewalk. Lydia looked over at him then kissed his cheek. "This is where the sidewalk ends for you. Thanks for coming out here today." She walked onto the porch and sat the box down. "What were you doing out this way anyway?"

He smiled. "Hunting!" He turned and started walking down the path. "I'll see you at school next week, Liddy."

Lydia waved at him. "I'll see you then, love."

She turned and walked into the house with her items. As soon as she felt the cool rush of air conditioning caress her skin, she felt the huge weight of that negative energy be lifted from her shoulders. She walked into the living room and noticed an immediate change in her grandmother. Her MawMaw had a color to her face she hadn't seen in a long while.

Her grandmother turned to look at her. "I know that he was cleansed, Lydia. He may come back into our home, the negative energy has left him - though I would suggest cleansing yourself as well. A bath maybe? Do you have enough lavender and rose petals?"

Lydia smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I think I have enough. I love you MawMaw. I'm going to head upstairs. I'll come down for dinner in a little while."

Her grandmother smiled at her and waved her hand, dismissing her. Lydia walked up the stairs and to the bathroom where she kept her ritual bath supplies. She ran the water into the tub and started pouring epsom salt, lavender oil, Himalayan pink salt, rose petals, lavender buds, and rose quartz crystals into the tub. She grabbed her pink and white pillar candles from under the sink and lit them while saying:

She cut the water off and stripped down until she was bare and nude. She slowly climbed into the tub and settled into the warm warm. A feeling of love washed over her and she felt at peace with herself. She let the candles burn halfway before pulling the plug and stood up, wrapping a towel around her. Lydia was sure that her aura was clean and pure.

She wrapped her robe around her and went back to her room, changed into a silk gown, shorts, and wrapped her hair in a bun. Her grandmother had gotten up and made a soothing chili and as she sat down to eat it, Lydia could feel the love and intentions her grandmother had put into it. She truly felt better. Everything was peaceful.

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