The Curious Case of the Cooking Club

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Monday again. Hooray...

Heads up. You have another enemy.

And this person is?

Darryl Noveachosch.


Dave finally hopped off the bus. He found Zak helping another guy. What was he doing? Carrying pans and grocery bags.

"Thank you, Zak, really. I should really invite you to a private cooking session later." The older said to the shorter. "Really?" "Yup! I'll bake you muffins, muffin." Both giggled together, Zak uncomfortably close to the boy.

Dave called the good'ol' Hidden One.

"What now?"

" Need info on the Cooking Club Leader." The person sighed as they dictated the info on him...

Darryl Noveachosch
Club : Cooking (obvs)
Persona : Lovestruck
Crush : Zak Carder
Self Defense : Incapable
Reputation : 50

"So he's the Rival of the Week."

"You can phrase it like that."

"Jesus Christ... Wait, where's Simon Taylor then?"

"I dunno. I heard he's sick."

"Hm, okay."

"Alright, got that? Good." Then they dropped the call.

Dave stalked Darryl as he arrived in his own classroom. Dave decided to use poison. Poison, yes POISON!!

I'll say that again. POISON!!!

Real question is... Where will he get that?

Easy, the clinic.

No? The Gardening Club Shed.

Dave decided to do that later, since he had like 4 more days to carry that out.

He decided to plan out his possible rivals. Dave skipped his class. He was now in the "canteen" with the Student List that Dave got from ol' Hidden Emo Kid. He also grabbed a few notebooks and he took his seat.

An auburn haired female wearing a white outfit approached him. She was a member of the student council, and she was Amara Throne.

"Why are you not at class?"

"No reason. Just wanted to." Dave said, not looking up.

"You know that you are not allowed to do that, right?"


"Then why are you doing it?"

"I said it once, I wanted to." He said, gesturing for the knife in his bookbag.

"I will have to report you to the Guidance Counselor." Amara said, eyeing the knife now clutched in Dave's hand.

"I don't think you'll have to do that anymore, Throne." Dave smirked and Amara reached for something in her pocket.

Dave grabbed the knife and gestured to kill her when Amara pulled out pepper spray.

"CEASE AND DESIST!" Amara screamed and sprayed in Dave's eyes, blinding him for awhile.

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