Lights, Camera, ACTION!!

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Monday again (3x)

(Little note here: Don't kill me pls)

Dave grabbed the gift box and left the bus. He looked around to find Zak but, he didn't find him.

"Uhm, what?" Zak's familiar voice rang out in Dave's ear. He dashed for the plaza where a boy was hugging Zak too tightly. "Smile for the camera!" The boy said, still hugging Zak close. A girl in purple twin drills (Karen Hill / Kokona Haruka) took their picture and Dave took a picture of the boy's face.

Jacob Watts
Club: Drama

Persona: Lovestruck
Crush: Zak Carder
Self Defense: Incapable
Reputation: 150

"Uh, Jacob?" Zak asked, looks like he's choking. "Yes, Romeo~?"

And the blood god is mad again.

"I'm choking!" He coughed once Jacob let him go. "Fuck, it's like you go to the gym everyday!" "Well, I need to be on my best during my performances, Romeo."

"Jacob!" A boy in purple hair dashed in the plaza, almost knocking Dave over. "Yes?! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?!?!" The boy, who was Ryan Simmons (Riku Soma), looked embarrased and sighed, "Jacob, we're performing soon."

"Ah yes, Senpai, I need to go now. I'll be performing as the main character, an elk. I'm going to be the most perfect from the casuals performing!" Jacob boasted, "It would be better if the name was Jacxon and not Zelk. Stupid name...."

"Zak, the bell will ring soon. Wouldn't wanna be late to class, would you?" Dave finally spoke up. "D-Dave! Yeah, I-I'll follow. Bye, Jacob!" Zak said, grabbing Dave's hand.

"You sure like Jacob, huh." Dave chuckled. "Yeah, I just hope he doesn't die like Jack and Darryl."


Dave didn't expect that...

"I'm sure he won't die." Dave smiled at Zak, who was cuddled up on Dave's chest.

Great, Dave has to do this non-lethally...


He can frame Jacob, so it looks like Jacob's actually a killer!


Dave laughed softly and led Zak back to his class.

Good thing Dave could grab gloves from the Drama Clubroom.


The play Zak and Dave were forced to watch was pretty stupid. This is the same play that Jacob is acting in.

"This play's shit." Dave whispered to Zak, who also looked pretty bored. "Shhh, Jacob might faint." Zak giggled.

Exactly my point..

Dave crossed his arms and pulled out his phone. A person leaned on Dave's shoulder, making his heart race marathons.

"Your shoulder feels warm." Zak said, snuggling near him.

"Is that a compliment?"


Jacob must have noticed them, because he shouted in the microphone, "I really want Zak Carder up here! He really makes me so lovesick!!" Zak blushed a deep red. He climbed on the staged and romantic music filled the speakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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