"I'm a greaser by heart Doll, you're obviously only one by default"

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Darry-Owns-My-Heart / -Sea_Maiden-

Outsiders Ship Opinions

Eve x Character Edition

#1.Eve x Dally:

This ship has a lot of potential, but emotionally I think it needs growth. While they can make a cute couple, I haven't seen a lot of moments between them that have actually held a lot of emotional depth or connection. Or said moments have been cut a bit short and lacked the emotional means to really say how compatible they are as a couple.

If these moments were more focused on, I could see Dally opening up to Eve and beginning to understand her views as she began to understand his so long as she didn't push him too hard.

I think they could make a good couple, but they need to have more emotional moments and actual talking; deep conversation, for this to actually happen.

#2. Eve x Johnny:

Personality wise, I don't think the two are a great match, but personality isn't the only aspect of a relationship of course, thus why I'm not going to count it too highly here.

For Eve x Johnny, I see their relationship mainly as emotional. The two would support each other. And while neither would truly understand the other's pain, they'd be there to offer moral support and comfort to each other. They offer each other a deep emotional connection that adds a deep bond to their relationship.

Their relationship is one of comfort and stability. They find stability in each other because they know emotionally they're safe with the other. They don't have to worry about the other criticizing or snapping at the other. They both understand that emotionally they're a bit more fragile and need a gentle touch.

This is an innocent love that's built on a deep emotional connection and trust.

#3. Eve x Soda Pop

This ship hasn't been too explored upon, so admittedly I can't talk too much about it. It hasn't had much development, so I can't give as large of an opinion on it as I normally would.

If this ship were to be explored more, this is what I see it being;

Eve helps Soda understand with his heartbreak. Knowing Soda is still young and emotionally fragile, she offers a gentle hand to him to help him through his heartbreak.

Overtime Eve begins to understand the more romantic and sweet view that Soda has on love, while Soda begins to understand the more connective and emotional view that Eve has on love.

The two could form a bond and help each other learn different perspectives on love, an perhaps fall in love in the process?

#4. Eve x Darry

I'd have to say this ship is based very much on personality and similarities. Both are young adults who; had life gone differently, would likely of gone to college and moved to the class of a soc based on their intelligence.

But life didn't go as planned and the two had to give up their dreams; temporary maybe, maybe not, to support their family so they don't lose their family.

This allows the two to have a deeper bond and understanding since they can understand each other's point of view.

Though this doesn't mean they're perfect. Though that's a good thing, because no relationship is perfect. They butt heads because while they may understand what the other is going through, some of the choices the other makes just makes no sense to them and can cause a fight. This either helps the other realize they made a bad choice, or this helps the one who disagrees learn to understand the different perspective.

A cute ship that can definitely be expanded on and grown, but in the best way.


I wanted to be as honest as I could be, so I hope the ship reviews are okay. ^^ I hope you like them. Feel free to leave your opinions in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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