chapter 11

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Peytons POV

"So.... ummm.... Zayn the thing is...i ...ummm kinda have developed feelings for you and i really like you and-" i get cut off by having Zayns Lips connect with mine

He kisses me sending tingles all through my body and making my head all dizzy, this kiss is sweet and gentle. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair, while he places his strong musclier arms around my waist. We keep a slow pace as he smiles into the kiss, we than part, our foreheads are touching and i stare into his beautiful brown eyes as he stares back at mine.

"i have feelings for you too Peyton" He smiles and lifts me off the ground spinning me.

I wish i had moments like this for the rest of my life with the one and only Zayn Malik.

Summers POV

Harry walks in and i know this is it. I take a deep breath and head towards him.

"Hey Har-" I immedidaltely stop speaking, i stop dead in my tracks as i see Harry walks in with a certain someone following like a little puppy behind.

"Hi Summer" Harry smiles enveloping me in one of his tight hugs

"Oh Hazzy babe, wheres my kiss ?" Brittany says staring deep into my soul and smirking, i try not to let her get to my head.

"not right now Britt-" Harry says pulling back, but she cuts him off as she leans in ferociously and crashes his lips into hers, right in front of me.

Harry tries to pull away but Brittany hangs onto his neck not letting him escape from this obvious prison. I notice the kiss getting rougher and more passionate as the time goes on, every now and again she glances at me and leans into the kiss more.

I can't take this, i walk into the kitchen and take a sit at the bench next to Louis whos talking to Niall who of course is in the fridge looking around for food.

"Hey whats going on in there" Louis says nodding off towards the front door

"oh umm Harry and Brittany and some very intense kissing" I say rolling my eyes

"ahhh i see" Louis smiles sarcastically

"Awkaward moment for you then, let me guess it went something like you went to say hi and she cuts you off and starts attacking him with her viscious lips" Niall says walking over with food in his arms, as he takes a sit next  to me

" somewhere along those lines, very good Horan" I say hi-fiving him

"I try very hard at the best of times no need to thank me" Niall says showing hand motions as if he is giving a speech after accepting an award.

"sooo anyway Summer how do you feel when the guy you like is kissing another girl" Louis says placing his chin on his hands and staring calmly into my eyes. Wait a sec how does he know about that. I have never metioned it to anyone but Peyton and we were no where near them any member of One Direction.

"I don't know what your talking about" I say trying not to sound too obvious

"sure you do, you like Hazza" He says poking me in the stomach playfully

"Ummm im going to leave and hang out with Liam before this conversation gets too awkard" Niall says picking up all his food nd walking back towards the door" But before i leave i would just like to say Summer likes Harry, Summer likes Harry" Yelling the last bit out mockingly

"NIALL !!!! Harry might hear you" I ty to keep it down as i get off my seat at this moment all i see is Niall turn around and sprint upstairs towards Liams room, no matter what he does you gotta love that kid. I smile and sit back down.

"So its true" Louis declares standing on the bench and doing a little dance, i do what most people would do in this situation if Louis Tomlinson was dancing on a bench in front of you, i give in and decide to tell him

"yes its true" I hang my head towards the ground

"i knew it i knew it" He says jumping up and down

"But its not going to help, he is going out wih Brittany" i look up at him as he jumps off the bench

"Trust me it wont last" He states before exiting the room.

I sit there and drown in my thoughts of what it would be like if Harry and Brittany were not together, if we did not go bowling and we stayed at home, i wonder whether the the outcome would be better or worse. I stroll out hoping, desparetely hoping that they have stopped making out and that i could sit on the couch in peace

I also know that Peyton will be upset with me that i did not tell Harry but if i explain what happened she will understand. I hope everything turns out to be a fairytale for her and Zayn

I reach the couch as i see Harry heading towards the bathroom and a very angry Brittany heading towards me. Memories of school with Brooke bullying me rush to my mind, she always looked like this before something happened and let me tell you it never turned out good.

She stomps towards me, it seems as though she grows taller as i shrink like in lots of cartoons. 


I wince as i see her fist reaching up and before i can react it collides with my jaw, and i hit the ground hard. Feeling the wind pushed out of me as i land. She laughs at me while i lay there hopelessly


Heey guys this chapter has more drama in it than the past ones, i hoped you like it :)

Pleaseeeee vote/comment/share/fan :)

I have decided that i will update every 2 or 3 days as i have been busy lately and probably for the next few weeks

Lots of Love Morgan xx <3

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