Chapter one

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There was screaming and shouting. The sounds of a battled field within the depths of space. All five of us risking our lives for this war that wasn't even ours to begin with. But we're here now and there was no turning back for what has begun. There is great risk with this job that we are now paying the price for piloting these powerful and gorgeous beings of the universe. At the beginning it was fine, we were fine. But all of a sudden, we were taken by surprise by the power of one man called Zarkon, who had focused us into one single area which was blocked off by millions of ships. All around was completely surrounded and split up from each other. We're at a complete disadvantage and unable to from Voltron. Lance saw.

"Everyone be careful" said captain Shiro over the communication lines, as he is now in the castle Corane. "There're too many of them! We can't shake them off" Pigde said as she shouted.

"They're beginning to fire a cannon! You must get out of the way Keith. Where you are is the position of the cannon fire!" We all hear Allura shout through the speaker in the helmets. Keith tries to move from being encased into the partition, but all around him was enemy ships.

"I-I can't! There's too many ships surrounding me, and even if I could move there's no way I'd make it out before the cannon goes off" Keith says and everyone panics.

"Everyone, try to get to Keith's position now! Don't let the Cannon hit Keith! Move and fast" Shiro said panicking.

Everyone moved as fast as they possibly could in order to reach him. With only a couple of minutes left, would they be able to make it?

But their time run out. The cannon fired. At that moment every situation concluded at the fact that Keith might die there and now. The shot from the enemy's ship was moving closer and closer. There was no point in moving. But out of no were there's Red. Keith sees red right in front of the beam of the light with a couple of small enemy ships.


His lion charged and threw them as hard as possible. They drifted away from my position, taking some hits from the cannon. As Keith realised that Lance was in the same position as him.

"Lance watch out" Keith shouted as Lance kicked Keith out of the way.

But little did they know that another cannon was fully loaded and ready to go. As Corane saw the other Galra ship behind them he panicked even more.

"Keith there's another ship and you're heading in the direction of the cannon fire" Corane yelled over the commend system.

"I can't get Black back online? It's like he's not responding to me!" Keith shouted.

The hidden ships fire was quicker than the one heading for lance. More ships emerged out of the mothership and surrounded lance, making sure he couldn't get out.

The fire from ship number two hit Keith and he wasn't responding. Then everything went black for both Lance and Keith. Both lions we're knocked back and both have no power. They weren't responding. Then Lance's lions light comes back on.

"Lance are you ok?" Corane asked worried.

Nothing. Lance didn't hear anything, but he could feel power. Power that made his palms lose feeling where he couldn't even feel his own hands. All of Lances senses left him and his power grew. Making his lion go faster than normal. Nothing could stop him. All he could see was the enemy ships. The more energy placed into the lion the faster he would go before Lance could process what was going on.

He had already destroyed both cannons and got rid of all the small ships that was surrounding the rest of team Voltron. He did everything in his power to get rid of the one thing that hurt the person he hated. The one person that was a complete moron. The one person he felt....... like he could be friends with. Despite all the name calling and the so-called rivalry between them. He hated him. But he also liked him. The hit that Keith got before Lance's was painful to see. Especially the way it made Lance feel. It made him feel dead inside.

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