Asra x Apprentice w/ broken ankle

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 So this was a request from someone who wanted to ask in anon but my dumb ass didn't realize I'd turned it off so yeets post onto page HERE CX

I legit have only ever done fanfics before so I really hope this didn't suck- I TRIED ;-;

okay but like i have no clue how to do bullets??? XD WAIT NO GOT IT HERE WE GO-

You were trying to reach a top shelf in the shop, a good 5 feet at least away from the floor. Lost your footing on the ladder and fell, your ankle slammed square onto the counter and just CRACK unholy screechMC is just panicking like 'fuckfuckfuck I'm home alone rn!'And that's right when Asra comes home, to their short lil spouse.Just crying and holding their swollen bruised ankle.Protective Asra EngagedI hope you don't like getting out of bed, cause you're not now. Like AT ALL until you're healed up.When the doctor said you'd need a cast they were like- 'My poor baby!' gross sobbingI like to think Asra is all smooth and sexy unless it's mc so the poor NB baby is just ***pansexual panic***And it just gets **WORSE** when MC is told they need to do self administered shots to prevent thrombosisCause MC is utterly terrified of needles and has a panic attack right then and thereAsra tries so hard to calm MC down with comforting pats and hugs, face kisses, hair pets. All the affections~As soon as the cast is on you're not even gonna need to use your crutches.You literally don't walk. Asra strong bae. They do the carry of the MC.Asra will carry you everywhere, don't resist. Don't fucking bother asking the answer is always noWhen the time comes to administer the shot MC has a full blown panic attackAsra holds you close, shushing you with kisses and hugs, running their hands up and down MC's back and saying sweet cuddly things to calm them down.When MC finally does calm down Asra offers to administer the shot for them.Ignore the tears on their face, Asra cries when you cry.Like has to hold back sobsOnce the matter of the shots is settled and you've calmed down, Asra decides to take you out to get some pumpkin bread from your favorite baker~Prepare for so many lazy days and cuddly hours spent around the shop, sipping tea and talking.And lots of sex but we're not gonna go thereBasically Asra is a cuddle bug, more than happy to spend their days with you, making sure you have what you need, comforting you and just being with you~

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