I'm saved

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Chapter 1

Obito POV

I can't see what's going on I thought I was died were am I now? "Hello"said ?????? WHO WAS THAT WAY CAN'T I TALK. I struggled but I managed to say "who are you" I can barely say anything I repeat myself again than I heard the something coming closer to me what do I do? Just in time I gain my sight back. And and the person in front of me is. "Wait your MADARA UCHIHA" how could this be "ah you're awake over half your body was crushed so I made you a new one but it will take a while before you can use it again but I will help you" Madara said well sitting in a chair not far from the bed. I'm still not sure how I'm alive but this means that I can find you guy Kakashi,Rin I'm coming don't start my funeral yet I'm coming home.

A few months had passed

I'm finally getting closer to leaving this hell hole and see you guys again I'm coming Kakashi,Rin just wait. I'm available to move fast and do justu. "Hay Madara can I leave a go home to my friends?" I hope he says....."No your not leaving your friends have probably already forgotten about you"Madara said in a pissy mood after that I just ran to the bed in the Center of the room and lied down covered myself up and cried quietly hoping Madara would just fall asleep like he dose and just not cares for me at all. All he dose Care about is the Akatski "WAIT" I accidentally yelled out loud that means if I became a member of the Akatski he will care for me and I'll have someone to love as a family yes that's what I'll do

"behind the mask" Deidara x ObitoWhere stories live. Discover now