chapter 9

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So sorry about the waiting I have been doing many things right now such as going to highschool anywho let us begin

Last time on diabolik lovers x oc

"u guys are annoying ,also ayato stop calling yourself oreo~sama u aint sweet your the opposite your bitter"


Bella's pov

"What the hell show yourself Bella"

"I'm right here dumbass what are u even doing to that idiot"

I walked out of the shadows where i was hiding using my mermaid powers to turn invisible i fixed my uniform for school as one of my hands were occupied by another female uniform that reiji gave me when i got out of my room wearing my uniform he just told me to give it to yui i set the uniform on the bed not caring to tell the boys to get off

"Reiji is waiting for all of u at the entrance cya" i said as i left the scene

I walked downstairs to the kitchen getting my hydroflask and metal straw cause save the turtles am i right? I'm kidding but seriously we need to protect the turtles their slowly dying now that i'm thinking about it i should visit the other mermaids

I went to the entrance where i left my backpack by the corner i sat at one of the couches as i wait for everyone after a while every vampire was here and we were just waiting for yui who was taking forever after 10 minutes she came down with makeup on her except it was bad that it made me gag

"Yui please hurry up we don't want to be late for school but since u came down late i'll punish u later" said Reiji as he pushed up his glasses

Everyone went outside and went to the limo but of course i sat next to a certain white haired male who blushed when contact happened because of the movements i dislike how everything is quiet all of sudden cranberry juice was placed in my hand i tilt my head to the side wondering why i need it until i remember that i'm surrounded by vampires

"T-thank you Reiji-san"said an obnoxious voice who i knew was Yui

"There is no need to thank me you should remember we are not friends you are our preys"

To be continued

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