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Jin stood up immediately after hearing what his uncle had told him, then spoke.
His uncle remained silent.
"Why do you want to kick me out of the house?!" Jin added as his uncle rolled his eyes wrathfully.
"Uncle please, the house is still so close to the university, there is no actual reason." He said grievously.
"You are going to stay at the college's dorms and I won't back down with my words, do you understand?! GET OUT OF THE ROOM NOW."his uncle yelled before Jin obeyed him and went straight away.
Jin went to his room, which is not going to remain as his room anymore.
He sat on his bed afterwards, kept thinking, why does his uncle treat him like trash, he started packing his stuff because he was sure his uncle won't handle him for one more day. The black haired picked an outfit to wear since he was going to leave the moment he is done.
He went to the bathroom, washed up and wore his clothes which were a white sweater a black pants and his white pair of converse.
He went towards his uncle's room again dragging his suitcase behind him as he knocked on the door.
"Enter." His uncle said angrily.
Jin entered the room still wearing the sad face.
"Bye uncle, I'm going now." He said
"Bye."his uncle replied.
Jin felt pain in his heart that his uncle didn't care at all, but he wasn't that surprised because his uncle had always treated him like that, he never bought him anything, never celebrated his birthday, never asked if he needed anything and lastly never gave him kindness or let him be a little relaxed inside because he always screamed at him and scolded him, and didn't even think about listening to him, he also puts the blame on him in everything.
Jin was exhausted but he had no other choice, his father died before his mother got married to mr. Choi who is the one Jin was living with.
He was kind with him at first but he turned into an evil since his mother passed away.
Yes Jin felt really sad about being thrown away at the dorms but still happy because he was going to live a better life away from him.
Jin took his leave having a little positive feeling for college.
He went to the bus station since he had no car because nobody actually cared, He waited a lot for the moment when he would take the university certificate and start working, so he could earn money and he will no longer need anyone, neither his step dad nor those who are like him.
The bus arrived and Jin got on it.
It didn't take much time until they arrived, Jin was so excited. He entered still thinking and his head was full of thoughts and plans he wanted to do in college when he bumped into someone, lost balance and fell on the ground together with all of his papers and books.
"I'm so sorry." The other said before he instantly bent over to help him collect his scattered things.
"No problem." Jin replied as he raised his head up to take a look at the human being standing across from him. He froze shocked as he realised the extreme beauty of the young man.
The both stood back. The other guy handed Seokjin the books he had collected for him , Jin smiled while he appreciated the other's appearance. He was tall one or more centimeters taller than him, his hair was glowing blonde, his handsome sharp face features. The breathtaking dimple which appeared as soon as he smiled back at Jin.
He cut the long gaze they shared for a piece of time extending his hand offering a hand shake, Jin immediately accepted it and shook hands with him.
" Nice to meet you, I'm kim namjoon."
"Seokjin n...nice to you t..too." Jin hesitated a little due to the intensity of his fascination.
Namjoon gave him a wide smile again before each one went on his way.
Jin went to have a cup of coffee in the cafeteria because it was still so early. He tool a seat on a chair when he found his friend having a cup of tea alone and spacing out.
He walked towards him as he sat on a chair beside his friend's.
"Hey yoongi, why are you sitting alone?"
His friend smirked as he spoke.
"Well, it's a good coincidence that you're here, because I'm bored."
They both exchanged smiles before the waiter had came.
"Espresso please." Jin said taking a deep breath to talk.
"So why are you here." He asked Yoongi.
"Um...well to attend the first lecture, which is so damn early." Yoongi said sighing hopelessly.
"And you?." He added.
"You know my step father and how cruel he is right?"
"Yeah.??" Yoongi said curiously to know what happened.
"He kicked me out of the house, and told me to live my college years at the dorms." Jin spoke sadly.
"Oh, he is mean."
They remained silent until Yoongi excused himself to go to his lecture.
The waiter came back and placed the cup on the table, Jin thanked him before he stepped away.
The black haired took a sip from his espresso not knowing what to do after finishing the cup.
He looked from the window since his chair was close to it.
He took another sip still thinking of a way to entertain himself when he remembered that he was so hungry.
He finished his cup, put it down on the table and rose up from his chair.
While he was getting out of the cafeteria, he heard people talking.
"Oh my god...did you hear?! The ceo's son is going to be at the dorms."
"Yeah...oh my goodness."
He continued walking before he bought a sandwich because he was starving,
The black haired sat on a bench which was located in the college's park.
He took a bite of his sandwich enjoying the beautiful slight breeze.
He was having fun by his own since the food was the only thing that pleased him in his entire life.
He had always enjoyed the most simple matters in life even though his life was miserable he kept fighting the negativity and he actually succeeded, Jin remained as a positive guy who managed to pass his positivity to the other people.
He took out his mobile when he heard it was ringing.
"Yeah Taetae , how are you?"he answered.
"I'm so fine  what about you?!"
"Fine." Jin replied as he ginned hearing what the younger had said.
"I'm miss you so much it's been a long time since we've seen each other" Taehyung who was his cousin spoke.
"I know right?"
"Jiiiiin, let's meet in any fucking wayyyy." Taehyung whined.
"Okay okay we will meet each other in somehow."
"Bye dude I gotta go something came up, even though I wish I can talk to you about what happened with me, but it's okay now I'll tell you when we meet."
"Okay bye and be careful kid."Jin said teasingly before he hung up.
He completed his sandwich heading to take the keys of the room he is going to stay in, he had the keys between his hands as he walked upstairs since the room was in the second floor.
He entered the room enthusiastically when he found Namjoon sitting on one of the beds in the room as he spoke.
"Hi...I'm your roommate."
                      To be continued

Hi guys this is the first chapter of this book called "I chose you" and as you see it's a namjin story anyway I know the part is so short
Hope you like it
I purple you💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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