Author's Note

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First of all, thank you to all who clicked on my story, every reader means a lot. This is my novella (the start of it at least) for the Open Novella Contest 2020. If you don't know what the contest is, go check it out at OpenNovellaContest. For people in the contest already, I wish you the best of luck!

The contest is basically for me to try and finish a story on a deadline (and just in general heh), as I usually lose motivation partway through or find inspiration for another idea I have. The contest is also for me to make new friends 😊.

My prompt is:

ONC Prompt 29
After the war is over, you set out into a new world to find and see the legendary Cloud Empire, a kingdom that is built on islands floating in the sky.


Lethe | ONC 2020Where stories live. Discover now