Apparently I made a formula-

5 1 0


   First off: it's OSP Blue's birthday

   S p a m him with LOVE

   Tell him Parchmentk sent you

   Now, onto the content!!

   So I got bored and did some math to find what should be the gravity of a planet be like

(hours) (gravity)
24 ÷ 9.8 = 2.44898

2.44898 × 16.4 = 40

   Galatea's gravity is now 16.4m/s, 11.2m/s is the old version

   Also I tried it on Stellarus/PX 001 and I got this [planet owned by @maxywho ]

12 ÷ 2.44898 = 4.89

   So basically it's light but not enough that the Brahtousei can enter it without experiencing gravity problems [considering Pos' gravity is 3.6m/s]

   I'm assuming the planet's following a nearly circular orbit because if the orbit is elliptic or retrograde then the process for getting gravity would be different

   (3/3/2020 Update: retrograde motion doesn't change a thing lmao, the planet just spins in reverse)

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