Sincere soothed his shortened lions mane, "Unbelievable, can't even trust the kids these days."
He'd awoken to find a slimy wad of bubbalicious sinking into the never ending abyss of his curls.
Small muddy footprints and hushed giggles echoing in the long narrow hallways of the house.
"Oh dear, Sincere I'm so sorry!" Bethel had gushed chopping away tight groups of his babies. They'd taken to curling away from the scissors in hope of being spared, huddled together like angels praying.
He hid his pout, "It's no problem, they were just playing a prank."
Bethel frowned, "Yes well even so they took it too far, I'll make sure to reprimand them. I wouldn't want them trying these tricks on someone less forgiving."
Sincere wanted to tell her he wasn't forgiving, he was pissed. He valued his looks and his hair was an important part of said looks. But he bit his tongue and nodded. "Of course."
"Will you be leaving today?" Bethel kindly asked.
He nodded, "yes mam. I have to hurry back, I have a placement test coming up. I want to test into advanced courses."
He couldn't stand another minute of being placed with adults who'd rather grind each other's pelvis bones dull then to bring spare led to class. No matter how many times their mechanical pencils ran out. He needed something more refined, sensual.
Bethel frowned, "My, those types of courses sound very... rigorous. Straining...even. Please take care of your health you know the ladies down at the church say when you were born you were all-overish. And frankly lately you've become so darn agelastic I worry your losing your happiness in all that school mumbo jumbo. I don't want you to ever feel you have to grow up so soon to offe-"
Sincere chuckled, " I promise I'm not falling into a endless pit of despair. And if I thought I was I'd take you and fly away to Hawaii so we can dance on the beach with little skirts."
Bethel laughed, "You'd take me with you?"
He nodded his head, "Nobody makes a Sunday dinner better then you." And gave her a sweet toothy smile.
He seemed to lie a lot when he came home, if he was to ever up and abandon everything he felt familiar. Surely he'd abandon everyone as well.
The masculine clothes, the sex crazed students, the bad ass kids, everything and everyone. But especially the tailored men's clothing, it really wasn't his go-to outfit. His normal style was more ... high fashion androgynous. And he wore it well, he knew he did.
Bethel gave a hearty laugh and pressed a delicate hand to her pink cheek, her Belorussian accent thick. "You've always been a sweet talker, the ladies at the academy must be swooning at little CC. Wait til I tell the ladies down at the church how manly you've become!"
He reached into his slacks and pulled out a envelope, placing it on the table, and sliding it toward where Bethel had taken a seat. Purposely ignoring her last remark.
And spoke very adamantly, "I'll send more soon, please take care of yourself and the children."
Dedicating the first chapter to @a-wise-old-dude for being such a sweetheart even when the book was on hold and for being the first person to add this book to a reading list

Accismus (Polyfidelity) (MxM) (On Hold)
Roman d'amourAccismus. An insincere refusal of a thing that is greatly desired. Started - 7 February 2020 Completed - ongoing