Haha ..

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Once out of school I walked home. I wanted an early start so I can do my hw. I suddenly realized what the paper said. So i hurried up. It was a group of people standing outside a store. I guess because there hiring idk I just hurried along.

What felt like hours I finally got to the house. To my surprise my mom was there but with someone. They were smoking. They act like they didn't even notice me tho. I went to my room and flopped on my air bed and took out my hw. Yes he gave us hw already.

I remembered again to call the number but what phone? I got up and went outside to the neighbor house.

Hi mrs. stewert may I see your phone?

Sure honey come on in.

I walked in and followed her. She handed me the phone and walked off. I dialed the number and it was dialing. Then after like a minute someone answerd.

..._Hello(woman's voice)

Umm hi, my grandma told me to call this number

..._ Is this mj?

Yes , yes it is

..._ well my name is Keisha I'm your long lost aunt on your dads side and I would like to see u asap.

I'm free whenever so it doesn't matter when.

Keisha_ OK great tomorrow after school look for a black Range Rover.

OK I sure will thanks bye

Keisha_bye bye

I hung up the phone and smiled. Im finally getting some help. I turned and was looking for mrs.stewert when I ran into this boy that looked familiar. He pushed me and I fell.

..._ who tf are u and why u in my grandma house?!

I was to scared to talk. I think I had hit something hard. I started to let tears fall. I got up and ran past the boy who I seem to recognize from somewhere. As I was running outside I passed mrs.stewert. She said something but I didn't care i went home. Once upstairs I shut the door and flopped on my bed. I wiped my tears and grabbed my bookbag my grandma gave me. I reached inside to see what else was in there until I seen the book. I was gonna start it one day just not today. I reached for my hw and began to work at it until I fell asleep.

Next day

I woke up to papers all around me from my hw. I looked at the time and jumped up. It was 6:54 I always leave out around 7:20. I grabbed a towel and ran towards the bathroom. I do what I always do and hurried out the bathroom. It was now 7:05. I slowed down because I had some time on my hand. I went to my closet and pulled out some pants and I went to the dresser and found a shirt. I put my under clothes on and began to get dressed. I combed at my natural hair and jus left it. I packed my bag and went downstairs not forgetting my money.

I went in the kitchen. There was a note from I'm guessing my mom.

You need to be out this house by Friday. I've been put out so I'll see you whenever.  -Rashida

I thought could things get any worse. I looked to see what was here to eat and yes u guessed it ! There was nothing here like wtf. I left out and began my way towards the school.  I was on my way till I saw a red mustang pull up by me. I looked to see who it was and it was damonte.

D_ hey wassup , need a ride?

Umm sure , I said.

I got in and he pulled off.

So I didn't know u lived around here said D.

Yeaaaa but my mom got evicted so im not gonna be around here for long. As I was speaking he noticed something on me that I didn't. He touched the side of my face and it hurt. I guess it was a bruise that I didn't recognize.

What happend he asked.

Well I was using my neighbor phone and when I was done I ran into this boy I'm guessing it was her grandson and he pushed me down but its noting.

As I finished talking he looked so upset. I just looked on and it was quiet the rest of the way. What felt like hours we finally got to school. I thanked him and walked off to class. Once in class I went towards my seat and sat. It was a couple people here so I just sat back and waited.

Finally people started coming in. They was talking about a fight. I'm thinking like how could I miss it? But it was a few boys who was talking about it so ig it was a private fight.

Mr. Pete came in and asked for homework. I held mine up and one other person did. "So that's it?" he asked. There was no answer so he just collected it and went on his way.

psssst .... pssssttt fatty. I was ignoring the girl and stared straight. I know you hear me she said loud for people to stop what they were doing. I looked on and she got mad and stood up. I wasn't scared of no girl so I sat there. She got in my face and started threatening me. So I got tf up and plain and simple said what do u wanna do?. Every body was like ooooowwwwww. She laughed and was Fina swing but I stopped her fist. I surprised everybody and I just chuckled and sat down . She kicked me in my bad leg and said lemme catch you in my man car again and we will see what will happen.

I jumped tf up and started beating her ass, I kept going and going because I needed to let out this stress. I pulled two tracks out and busted her lip and swelled her eye. I was happy with my work . I reached for her snacks and ate it in her face and said NOW THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL A FATTY U BONEY BITCH and walked out the class laughing.

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