Its our little secret

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Reiji POV
"Reiji keep this as a secret ok just between us three ok" " ok fine" IM STILL PISSED AT THEM FOR DOING THAT!!!!  THERE BROTHERS!!!! I can't stay mad at them forever........ " I have to go check on Yuki now" I left there room and went to check on Yuki... "Hey Yuki are you up?" Yuki replied " Yes I am up is breakfast ready?" " No not yet" " ok I'll get ready and then eat" " ok. Bye now" " bye"

Yuki POV
Ok so I like one of the vampire boys and his name is Ayato.....I love him soo much I even wanna kiss....anyways I'm just going to go eat now...... until I heard Kanato say this " Thanks a lot Ayato my ass hurts now" and I heard Ayato say " I'm glad you liked it tho because you were calling me daddy~" my heart dropped when I heard that but I know how to kill vampires so I can just Kanato but he's sweet I thought that wasn't true so I shake it off and went outside..... " Hey guys!" Kanato froze in place Ayato stop and turned around and looked at me like he saw a ghost........
" is everything ok?" " WHAT DID YOU HEAR!!!!!?!?!" Ayato said " i didn't hear anything w-why?" "Lier..." Ayato said..... I was scared how does he know I'm lying!!!!?!?!
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kanato POV
Omg she heard everything I'm scared what if she tells everyone else( oh by the way cactiphobia she helped me with part 1) Ok so let see Reiji knows our secret NOW YUKI KNOWS!!!!!!!! I start crying because of that because I didn't want to get bullied because I'm gay with my brother Ayato..........I didn't know what else could possibly go wrong........... " Hey Kanato you ok?" I heard a voice behind me and it was Subaru " oh.....Hey Subaru.......I'm fine"

Until he replied with this " no your not. I heard what happened and I want to help you.....look Laito fucked me I didn't know what was going on after a while I started liking it started going with it..... so I can help you....." " how can you help me?" " I know what Yuki is planning.. She wants to kill you so she can get Ayato to her self...." THAT BITCH IM GOING TO END HER LIFE!!!!!!! " and how do you know this Subaru?" " I heard her say it under her breath and so I got pissed" I'm so glad Subaru told me because if he didn't tell me I would probably be dead by her............ " Thank you for telling me Subaru" " Anything for my little bro" " Talk to you later" " alright see ya" I can't believe that little bitch hoe what's my brother....I.......will.......kill...........her..........ha....Ha.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
~~~~mean while~~~~~~
Ayato POV
I was waiting for Kanato in class but he didn't show up......A hour past and I walked out Yuki limping to me....... " AYATO!!!!!" She was crying "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!??" Yuki " I-It's Kanato and Subaru!" What?!..... " Are you sure?!" " yes I'm positive!"

Kanato POV
I was bleeding bad because I had a huge cut on my arm and then Subaru came in and said "W-WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?!" I was crying of coarse " Yuki attacked me when I walked in the room" Subaru got pissed and then said " I will kill her for you ok don't worry" " thank you Subaru" " No problem"

Subaru POV
" YUKI!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!?" Yuki turned around and said " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU AND KANATO ATTACKED ME!!!!!" I ran up to her and grabbed her by the neck " LIER WHY THE HELL DID YOU ATTACK KANATO HE'S BLEEDING OUT NOW BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!"

Yuki cried " A-AYATO HELP ME PLS!" Ayato " STOP SUBARU!!!!" I dropped her my eyes winden. I ran back to Kanato and I saw he was  healed....

To be continue

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