Chapter 2

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*** Adira's POV ***

I woke up and for once someones hand was still entwined with mine, I was especially glad that it was Luke's. I smiled and moved my hand from his. He was still sleeping so I took a picture of him. I grabbed my clothes and a long brunette wig. I hopped in the shower real quick. I walked out and Luke was stretching. I grabbed an extra one of my brothers tank tops from out of the closet cabinet. I threw it to him and he looked at it for a minute and then he took his funny Harvard Law hoodie off and replaced it with the tank top. I stood there in stunned silence and he looked at me realizing that I was staring at his shirtless body. I turned around and blushed a very bright shade of pink. I walked back into the bathroom to finish my make-up. When I walked back out Luke was walking around my room looking at all of the get well cards and knick-knacks. 

" I know. There's a lot of them. I still get them on my birthday and other holidays but no one has really been here to visit me in 3 months. My brother, Duke, comes when he can but he travels all over the world because he's a photographer. My mom, Sarah, is a fashion designer so she is always gone too. Jane usually goes with her but when she is home, she hates visiting me in the hospital because it makes her depressed. So it's usually just me and Anna. That reminds me, it is 8:30 and that means breakfast. Come on, Hospital food is super good. Youhaven't lived until you have had one of LG's infamous breakfast sandwiches.", I grabbed his arm and we walked towards the cafeteria.

" Your eye's are really green. That's weird.", Luke pointed out as we walked through the double doors.

" Yeah that was part of why my mom's adopted me. They said my eye colors reminded them of the spring, or something like that.", I looked around for an empty table. It was a Saturday and everybody's families were visiting. We walked into the cafeteria area and I grabbed two sandwiches for Luke and I, I also grabbed two juices and a cream cheese danish. 

" Why don't you go find us a table and I'll get the food.", I agreed and left Luke with the food to try and find a vacant dining place. There was a booth at the end of the cafeteria that was empty so I rushed over to it. I placed my but on the cushioned seat and looked around to see if Luke could see me. He arrived a few moments later and we sat down to eat. 

" So how long have you been in the hospital?", I thought for a moment.

" Well, I was diagnosed and moved in 3 months after my 15th birthday and it's a week before my 17th so 1 year and 11 months.", he looked sad for a moment.

" Do you ever get depressed that you aren't like every other teenage girl? You know, fawning over celebrities, sneaking out of the house, hiding your boyfriend under your bed when he wants to sleepover and your mother comes in the room.", Luke was smiling an awfully big smile.

" Well I don't know about celebrities or boyfriends because I've never had one, but me and Anna sneak out all the time. One time we went out and crashed a college party. It was pretty great until Anna got caught making out with some chicks boyfriend and we had to run all the way back to the hospital. It was actually quite fun.", Luke laughed and took the first bite out of his sandwich.

" OH MY GOD!!! What slice of heaven did he pull these sandwiches out of, and why aren't these everywhere?", I smiled.

" LG's the chef here and he only makes the food for us. I guess if you want them you will just have to stay forever.", he smiled and nearly spit out his food when he laughed.

" Sadly not. We have one more show to play in Paris and then we were supposed to go back to Australia. But I will definitely see you again before we head back there. The show in Paris isn't until tomorrow but we have to leave tonight. Sadly. I would however like to stay in touch because you are different, I can't quite put my finger on it, but you are different and I like it.", his bit his lip ring as he finished up the sentence and I blushed a bright shade of pink again. 

" I'd like to stay in touch with you too. Anyway, you said you wanted to see a day in the life of Adira. Our next stop is to get my pills from nurse Bea.", Luke nodded and picked up our food tray, put it in the garbage, and hooked his arm in mine as we walked towards the nurses counter.

" Hey nurse Bea. I'm here for my a.m. pills.", she walked over to the little locker cart.

" Here you go Adi.", she handed me the little cup and a little bottle of water. I swallowed the pills and put the little mini water bottle in the trash.

" Can we visit the little park next door. I'd like to get some vitamin D. Plus I think the fresh air would be good for me.", nurse Bea looked up at me and pulled out a form.

" You know the drill. You have to have a nurse or chaperone with you.", I turned around and looked at Luke.

" I'm 18. if that counts?", nurse Bea handed Luke the form and told him to fill it out. She him a badge to put under his visitor badge, and me a badge to put around my neck. We walked out of the hospital and over to the little park. 

" This park may not the biggest or the prettiest but it is nice to walk outside and see people who are being people. I know that sounds weird but I enjoy it because they aren't confined to a 5 square block radius. If they wanted to, they could get up and go see Italy, or New York, or Africa. It just kinda sucks being in a hospital and hearing the beeps of monitors all day.', Luke looked over at me and we sat down on a bench.

" You know as someone who has seen the world, I can personally tell you it is not that great. Each place just smells different and has different buildings. My favorite place in the world is probably home. That's where all my friends and family are, but I think I am slowly developing a new favorite place.", he slid his arm around me and I blushed again.

" You say that so easily because you have the freedom to go wherever you want, but I don't. My dream is to one day see a show on Broadway. But I'll have to wait at least a year to do that. I also have to get my leg chopped off first, but that's gonna be soon. Hopefully. Last time they pushed the surgery back, but the new rumor is that they are gonna scoot it forward so that it will be in a couple of day instead of a couple of weeks. I hope that's true. The sooner that the leg is removed the sooner I will get better. I'm sorry I ramble a lot.", I smiled and Luke laughed.

" It's okay. I like to listen to you. So are you gonna get a prosthetic leg or are you gonna for on of those weird one that look like stilts?"

" I was gonna go for the more real looking one but I suppose the stilts ones wouldn't be bad either. You have given me something to think about Luke. We should probably be headed back into the hospital now I don't want the nurses to think that we've runaway.", he grabbed my hand and helped me up.

" You know Luke, this has been fun. I got to meet my idol and turns out he is the one person who still wants to talk with me. Your girlfriend must be one lucky lady.", I felt his arm come around my shoulder, so I scooted closer to his chest as we walked through the revolving doors.

" I actually broke up with her a few months back because she wanted the ability to explore her options. I just kinda want a girl that treats me like me and not her little prize from the toy machine.", I smiled. We got into the elevator and Luke looked at me. 

" Well it's only 1:30. If you want we can grab a salad and maybe after that I'll show you the common room where everyone hangs out. Maybe we will get lucky and Anna will be there. She is probably a bigger fan of the band than I am. Calum is her favorite though. She's really obsessed with his tatto...", Luke spun me around and looked me dead in the eye. Then, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I was as stiff as a board, and then I finally began to relax and move my lips with his. It felt great. I brought my hands up to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. His hands came to my waist and I backed up so we were up against the walls of the elevator. We continued to kiss until we heard the elevator ding. We slowly pulled away smiling at each other. He put his arm around my waist as we walked over to my room. We walked in and he laid out on the couch. I walked over and straddled him. Just because I was a hospital kid didn't mean that I didn't know how this worked. I Pressed my lips back to his and we kissed for a long time, until I finally came up for air.

" Wow.", I said entirely out of breath

" Yeah. I know."

" Well, now what?"

" More."

We pressed our lips back to each other's and that was when I officially fell for Luke Hemmings.

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