Chapter 3

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We got up from kissing when the nurse came and gave me my p.m. pills. Luckily it was nurse Gwen and not nurse Bea. Gwen was nice, nothing like Bea. 

I got up realizing it was 5:00. I pulled Luke up with me and we walked to the cafeteria holding hands. I hated that he was gonna be leaving soon. I knew the relationship wouldn't last because he was an international rock star and I was a British girl who was hospital bound. It's days like these when it is hard to quiet the little voices in my head that tell me I'm stupid for trying. We grabbed some pizza from LG's grill and sat down. 

" So when is your surgery?", I looked up and tried to chew faster but it was hard to get through all of the cheese.

" It should be 12 days but it could be sooner if a slot opens up.", he had an almost orgasmic face as he took a bite of LG's pizza.

" Seriously, where did that man learn to cook?", just as he said LG came out.

" LG!!! Come over here and me my friend Luke. He is absolutely in love with your food.", LG was an African American man from Louisiana but everyone was always scared of him because he was very buff and also 6'7. He moved here when met his wife, Mariana, because she lived here. He decided to come work at the children hospital because he loved kids, and judging by the amount of little ones that loved to climb him like a jungle gym, they loved him too.

" Hey man!!! How you like my cooking?", Luke nodded because his mouth was too full to speak.

" I'm glad I caught you Adi. What do you want the special to be for your birthday?", I thought carefully.

" Can you make some of that gumbo with the shrimp that you did last year for Christmas? That was so good."

" Sure thing sweet pea. Mariana wanted to make you some of her pineapple upside down cake and have me smuggle you a slice.", I clapped my hands and hugged him. I was 5'8 but it still was nothing compared to that massive man. 

LG went back to work and me and Luke talked and finished our food. We went back to my room walking and holding hands. It was now 6:45 and I knew he would be leaving soon. I walked over and hugged him. Trying my hardest not to cry. I had only known him for a day and a half but he was already my best friend. I looked up just as Calum came rushing into the room. 

" Hey man the tour bus is outside and waiting for you, can you try to hurry it up.", Luke shooed and he walked out. I looked up at his face and he squeezed me in a really tight hug.

" Hey let's exchange phone numbers so I can keep in touch with you.", Luke handed me his phone and I typed my name in under the name ' Adi Bear '. He handed me my phone back and he had put his in as  ' Luke the Bae '. I giggled and hugged him one last time. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room before popping back in.

 " Goodbye Adi."

" We don't say goodbye. It's kind of a bad omen in a hospital, especially when you have cancer. We say ' See you later' you know something that couldn't possibly mark you for death.", he laughed.

" Well then, see you later Adigator!!! And I added a nickname at the same time."

" Tood-a-loo kangaroo!!!.", He laughed and exited the room.

I already missed him.

I walked over to the cabinet to grab clothing. I realized Luke's pull over was still in the closet. I looked outside and the tour bus was already gone. I decided to text Luke.

To: Luke the Bae 

You forgot your hoodie here. If you want I can send it to your hotel in paris.

Luke Hemmings- Lover loverWhere stories live. Discover now