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I fucking hate it when you're in such a fantastically giddy mood and then you see one simple little thing that makes you think, "Oh" and then you just get this empty feeling in your chest and you get nauseous and the world just crumbles and you just want to lay under a blanket and close your eyes and fall asleep and never wake up.

that feeling when you're smart enough to know how awkward you are,
but not smart enough to know how to be not awkward.

(n.) sexual arousal from biting or being bitten.

80s music brings me back to good times; like when I wasn't alive.

me: *makes one small mistake*

each year seems worse than the last; I'm sad and confused; I cry constantly; I just keep getting sadder

do you ever want to grab
someone in your class

and pull their face close while
staring at them in the
eyes then whisper

shut the fuck up

I'm about to cha cha real smooth of a fucking cliff

the only heaven I'll be sent to
is when I'm alone with you

my life is falling apart;
but at least I have some rad socks

I'm worried I'll loose everyone because of my stupid actions.

I am extremely mentally unhealthy and I want to die almost everyday of my life.

when you push a pull door
and someone says "you have to pull"
like yeah no my next plan was to start lifting it from the bottom??

this is a problem, I should take care of it;
or I can wait until it's a bigger problem and I'm totally in tears!!!

can we please fuck the sadness out of us.

I'm really fucking sarcastic for someone who's about to start crying most of the time.

I'm a really affectionate person
once you get past my 5 layers if shyness, awkwardness, fear, vague dislike, and loneliness

"talk about it"? hahah, no no,
I prefer to internalize all my problems so they eat away at me from the inside
until I'm unable to function in any way

me, with tears in my eyes: time to make a joke

do you really like getting choked
or do you just wanna die?

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