1 - leaving home

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[just warning there will be spell mistakes ]


Hi i'm Bella swan i live with my step dad Phil at his all boys boarding school. Its not weird being the only girl there as i have lived here since i was 10. You see my mum remarried when u was 7 but died when i was 10 that is when i got given the chance to go live with my dad Charlie in forks or my step dad Phil in Alaska and i chose Phil as Charlie is always working. I am 17 now and in moving to live with Charlie for a year. i also know about vampires since my friend Joshua is one, but he feeds of animals. It will be strange not having my boys around. I am really close to all the boys but i'm closest to Leo, jay, Oliver,Ben and Sam. We all are packing my stuff in to my bags to move, when Sam came in. "I can't believe your moving bells" he said

"I know but we all know that it is apparently for the best you heard Phil 'I need to learn to be a Lady and not go around with a lode of boy's who are always fighting' i still don't get why though its not like i am going to know how to be a Lady." I said rolling my eyes

"i know... but as we can't change his mind ill help you pack." He replied as he walked over to my wardrobe and started to through my dresses. All that's in my wardrobe is dresses, shorts, boobtubes , tank tops, converses and high heels the boys don't let me were jeans or anything that as they say 'covers up to much skin' as you can probably tell i am not allowed to do my own shopping but i don't mind. Even when it snows i will be wearing a dress i'm used to the cold so its fine. After we finished the wardrobe we started on my draws. It took us about 3 hours to get all my stuff packed. Leo Ben Oliver and jay came to help us bring it all to the car. "Bye guys in going to miss you." I said to all the boys in the school as i gave Leo jay Ben Oliver and Sam a hug " you five call me." I said Then get in the car and set off to the next part of my life.

Bella SwanWhere stories live. Discover now