3 - school part one

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My alarm clock woke me up. At 6.30. Guess i should get up i jump out of bed and jump in the shower.
(Time jump -After the shower )

I got out the shower wrapped a towel around me and walk in to my room. I go into my wardrobe and get a sliver dress with yellow and blue on it with black flats (up top ↑). As i walked down stairs Charlie has already gone to work. I jump in my car and speed off to school. As i pulled into the carpark every ones eyes are on my car and they couldn't stop looking at it. I got out of my car every one is looking at me. I walk in to the office. The walls are light yellow and have green plants every were. I go up to the desk.

"hello how can i help you?" The teacher said who's name tag said Miss cope.
"um in the new student Isabella swan " I said.
"oh hello Isabella i am miss cope. I have your timetable and map right here." she said as she started to mark the best routes to each lesson.
"thank you " i said walking out the door to first class English. I walked through the door to English every students eyes were on me as i gave the sheet teacher to sign.
" okay why don't you tell the class something about yourself then take the set by Mike. Mike put your hand in the air so miss swan knows who you are" said the teacher and some dude did.
"um I'm Isabella but i go by Bella. I went to 'pob ysgol yn fechgyn' in alaska. And i won 3 first place awards in sing dancing and music for alaska last year."
" um Bella isn't 'pob ysgol yn fechgyn' A all boys school?" Said the dude mike.
" yes yes it is." I said
" then how did you get in?" Some girl with brown hair said.
" my step dad owns it." I reply .

With that i sat down. All my morning classes went by fast i got some friends like; mike Newton, Eric Yorkie, Tylor Crowley i also get along with angeler Webber and Jessica Stanley. I sat with them at lunch when i saw 7 people
" hey Angeles who are they?" I said
" oh there the Cullen's you have the blond two are Jasper and Rosalie hall the one who looks like a pixie is Alice cullen, the one who is all muscular and buff is Emmett cullen then there's Edward cullen the one with golden hair and the one in the doctors coat is Carlisle cullen
........he is a doctor in the hospital but he teaches here as well."
" no shit sherlock i thought he worked in the night club not the hospital." i said sarcastically
" enyways the only single ones are Edward and Carlisle but none of them date so don't waist your time." As she said that my phone rang.

(Bella jay)
* 'hello' 'hey bells' 'hey jay whats up?' 'Ben broke Olivers phone' ' what did olly do?' 'He said he wanted to kidnap you and bring you back home.' ' as much as i would like that i'm sure Phil wont like that so much.' 'Anyways whats up with you' 'not much i'm at school it is so tiny compere to home. Any ways i have to go bye bye.' 'Bye'*
(End of phone call)

"sorry about that. " I said
"its okay who was that?"J essica asked.
" that was jay he was at the academy ." I answered
"okay so what do you have next?" Jessica asked. Does she ever stop asking questions.
"um medical ." I said checking my timetable
" i have that two...... are you in miss masons or Dr Cullen's."
" um Dr Cullen's." i said still looking at my timtable.
" really hardily no one gets in to Dr Cullen's class. Deferntly not newbees." She says
" well i do nearly have my medical degree I got most of it up in Alaska." I said
" how your only 17." Angela said
" well I did start learning medical when i was 10."
" okay well i have medical next with miss masons so I can show you the way." with that Angela shows me the way to class and goes to hers.

Bella SwanWhere stories live. Discover now