Someone Like You

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   I shut the door panting. He was banging on the door.  " Open up." He yelled. I stayed as quiet as a mouse. He stared to shoot at the door. I ran and hid between the bookcase and the wall. My clothes were blood stained. My arm was bleeding from the bullet wound.  It was just hanging there limp.

The door creaked open. "Savanna." He said in a attracting voice. " Where are you? " He walked right next to me. I was hiding in the shadows. He walled into the bathroom door. He had already looked underneath the bed. He wouldn't look there again.

I ran and slid under it. The bathroom door creaked back open. He walked out of the room.  I gave a sigh if relief. Then firm hands grasped my ankles and pulled me out. I gave an ear piercing scream.  He pointed the gun at my head.
" I have had enough of you, Savanna. Say hello to your friend for me." He grinned. Then there was a loud bang.

I sat up in my bed panting and sweating. My brother came in.

"Savanna!" He yelled running next to me. He soothed me. " What happened? "

I shook my head. "Just a nightmare. " I said.

I gave him a weak smile.  He nodded and walked back out of the room, turning the light off. I layed back down.

     That dream felt so real. I even felt the pain in my arm. I looked at it. There was a long scratch. I remembered that from the other night.

I walked to the door. I hoped it was Josiah. I invited him over half an hour ago.  No one was home but me.

I opened the door. Alex. I scream and tried to shut it. He just kicked it open. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He smirked at me.

He was wearing a leather jacket with a navy blue t shirt. He also wore skinny jeans and motorcycle boots.

" I don't wanna hurt you." He said.  He lunged at me. I dropped the knife. He grabbed my arm. " You're coming with me." He said. I struggled to get away but his grasp was too tight.

He opened the door and there was Josiah about to knock. He looked at me his eyes filling with worry. Alex slid his hand into mine. I tried to pull away but he just squeezed my hand harder. I yelped. I mouthed help. And Josiah did.

He jumped on him. They were a moving blur. Alex grabbed my arm as Josiah layed motionless. Then as he drug me out the door,  Josiah grabbed me. His hands pulled from mine.  He tried to grab me but scratched me down the arm. I cried out. My brother drove up. He wasn't looking.  Then Alex ran. 

Josiah helped me to my room. We shut and and locked the door. " You okay?" He asked. I shook my head and cried. He soothed me. Then he looked at me. We looked into each others eyes. He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed back.  We sat in my room.


I brought my hand up to my lips where we kissed.  It was so so wrong that we had just met,  but it felt so right.  It wasn't like any of the kisses I have ever had.  I fell asleep, dreaming about Josiah. 

It had been a week since I had seen Alex,  which was the day he stormed into my house. But I saw him in the hall.

" Hey babe." He said smiling. I furrowed my brows. He didn't usually smile at me anymore.

"Hey?" I questioned.

" Can you tell me why people have been saying that you and Josiah kissed? " He asked the smile still plastered on his face. One word came to my mind.



Thanks for reading this chapter.  As you can see,  Savanna and Josiah are developing a relationship.  Ohhhhhhh! Wonder what will happen.  ;)

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