All of Me

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I stood there shocked. How did he know that? He reached for my arm as I turned to leave.

"So it is true." He said. I turned to him smiling.

"Now you know my pain." I said. Tears fell out of his eyes. I immediately felt guilty.
He deserved it. Don't feel bad, Savanna.

My mind kept telling me that. I just couldn't let it go. I walked back to him. We were alone in the hall.

" I'm so sorry but I hope we can stay friends." I said. He looked at me. He slapped me. I fell. He kneeled down to my highth.

" I never said this was over. " He said. He walked off. I grabbed my stuff and ran. I passed him. I slammed his stuff down. He growled. He started to charge behind me.

I ran but I was no match for him. He was a football player. He grabbed my ankle. I fell hitting my jaw on the floor. I slammed my teeth. He walked over me. I didn't move. I pretended to be knocked out. He sat on me. I flinched. He layed down next to me.

" Sorry baby. But you deserved it. " He said. He walked off. I stood up dizzy. U felt like throwing up. I had Algebra next with Josiah. It was five minutes after the bell rang. I staggered to class. I opened the door. Mr. Piper looked up at me.

" Just where have you been, young lady? " He asked.

" I'm sorry. I fell in the hall. " I lied. He sighed as I sat down. Josiah sat across from me. He passed me a piece of notebook paper. The conversation went on the whole period.

What happened
I fell
Don't lie to me
I'm not lying
Did he hit you
He did something
He slapped me and he walked off. I slammed his stuff down and he charged at me and grabbed my ankle making me fall and I hit my jaw.
Jesus. R u ok
Wanna hang after school
Ya :)

We stopped there. We had to solve variables and review for a test next week. The bell rang as I finished my homework. I walked out and someone put their arm around me. I jumped. I looked over and saw it was Josiah.

" So I will drive you to my house after school." He said. He kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.

The rest of the day was hell. My jaw hurt so much and I couldn't focus. But I was so excited for this afternoon. When the bell rang at 8th period, I shot up and ran through the hall until I found Josiah. He was leaving Family Consumer Science talking to some of his buds. I jumped on him. He caught me bride style.

"Look. Anderson got married." One of them yelled. I snuggled to his buff chest.

"Bye guys." He giggled. He carried me to my locker. I grabbed my bag and jumped back up.

" Let's go my sexy hubby." I said adding some hotness into it.

We were in the his car when we saw a red truck following us.

Alex's truck


Thanks for reading this chapter. Looks like they are in some deep shiz. Lol.

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