Chapter 18: Ignoring my Nini

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Lisa's P.O.V

"Psst yah! Baby wake up you'll be late for school" I said as I was shaking Jennie's Body gently. She just groan in annoyance and cover her face with a pillow.

"I'm so tired and still sleepy. Let me skip school for once" She said in a raspy tone. Aish this girl is really lazy. I shook my head and sigh.

"You really don't want to go to school?" I asked. She remove the pillow on her face and shook her head as a No and went back to sleep. I just sigh.

"Can't believe I'm dealing with such a Lazy Kid" I mumble and stood up from the bed. I went downstairs and saw Jisoo and Rosé sitting on the Sofa, watching some cartoons.

"Is there any breakfast already?" I asked them as I cross my arms but I recieve nothing. They are so focused on the T.V screen. I sigh and frustration.

First Jennie doesn't want to go to school. And now I have to make the breakfast for them even though Jisoo is the first one to wake up. Arishh!

I went to the kitchen and start preparing some Eggs, Bacons and Hotdog and some fried rice.

"These people are so fucking lazy" I mumble, talking to my self. After some time I finally finished my cooking. I remove my apron that I was wearing and put it back to the Kitchen counter.

"Finally I'm done" I said and head my way to the living room to call Jisoo and Rosé. As I got there, they are still watching some cartoons while laughing.

"Yah! Love birds! Breakfast is ready!" I shout not that loud but made them startled.

"Jeez Lisa! You almost kill me half to death!" Jisoo said while Rosé was just laughing because of Jisoo's reaction.

"Whatever!" I said and head upstairs to my Baby. I reach her room and open the door. I saw her still sleeping like a new born baby. Ayy such a kid. I approach her and sat down at the edge of her bed or should I say our bed? Anyways I stroke her hair softly dowm to her cheeks that made her move a little.

"Hmm" She moan. I know her so well she loves this kind of feeling so I continue stroking her hair and cheeks softly.

"Hey Baby wake up now, breakfast is ready" I said sweetly. She open her eyes and sat down on the bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Can you bring it here? I'm too lazy to go downstairs" She said in a raspy tone and pout. I sigh.

"Baby don't be lazy let's go downstairs. You might get your bed dirty" I said.

"Aniiyaa I'm lazy" She said and went back to lay down on her bed. I got shock and looked at her in disbelief. This girl has been lazy day by day. I massage my temple before standing up.

"Ok fine" I said in a cold tone. Jennie who felt it quickly sat down on the bed and look at me with wide eyes.

"Babe I~ I'm just kidding I'll go downstai~" I didn't let her finish her word.

"No you said you are lazy right? Ok fine then I'll bring your food here. But don't expect that I'll be talking to you" I said it in a cold tone and went out of her bed. Well that was just a Joke. She need to learn some lesson, I can't get mad at her but she needs to learn. I think I will talk to her when It's night time.

Jennie's P.O.V

I watch Lisa as she went out of my bed. I sigh and pout my lips.

"Now she's mad at me. Aish Jennie Kim! Why are you so lazy?!" I messed up my own hair in annoyance.

"She won't talk to me. Gosh I can't take that Lisa won't be talking to me I'm surely gonna get sad and cry" I said, talking to my self.

A few minutes later I heard my door open revealing Lisa while holding a tray of food. She approach me and put the tray on my bed. It was Bacon, egg and Fried rice with some Milk on the glass.

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