Chapter 29: Celebration

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Jennie's P.O.V

"Baby I'm so nervous right now. What if I failed?" I said using my nervous tone. We were all walking together at the School hallway, making our way on our Class room with Lisa and our friends.

"Hey don't be ok? You're a smark girl" Lisa said and wink at me.

"Yeah you are the one who always finish the exam first yesterday. So It's obviously that It's easy for you" Nayeon and as she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever!" I crossed my arms and pout but Lisa peck me on my pouted lips.

"You will pass" Lisa whisper in my ears and I smiled.

We reach our classroom and we saw our other classmates seating on their seat, waiting for our professor.

"You guys head inside I will just wait here" Lisa said and smiled. I hug and kiss her all over her face that made her giggled.

"Yah stop now It tickles" Lisa said and I kissed her one last time on the lips.

"Don't go anywhere ne? Wait for us" I said and she nodded her head. I smiled and pull out the hug and went inside the class with Nayeon and the others.

We took our seat and wait for our professor to arrive.

After a Few Minutes | Prof came in |

"Ok class I will call your names in alphabetical order. If you heard your name please come infront to get your card go straight outside the class" Our prof said as he explain and we all nodded our heads.

Our prof called our names one by one and now It's my turn.

"Jennie Kim!" As soon as I heard my name I stood up and went infront. I grab my card and quickly hide it on my back while heading out.

I'm nervous to look at my grades. My heart is beating so fast.

As I went outside I saw Lisa looking at me with a frown face.

"How was it? Why are you hiding your card behind you?" Lisa asked and I gulp. There's really nothing to be scared of but It's just that I'm so nervous.

"Hey baby? Come on show it to me, let's take a look at it together ok? Don't worry, don't be nervous too much" Lisa said in a soft tone while hugging and caressing my cheeks softly, making me calm down.

I can do this. Go for it Jennie.

I took a deep breath and hand Lisa my card but my eyes are close. I felt that Lisa grab it from my hand and I started to get nervous again.

"Ba~ baby?" I heard Lisa. Oh no what is it? "This grades of yours is" Lisa stop for a moment. Why does she needs to stop?! I'm nervous already!

"This grades of yours is so amazing! Woah baby I'm so proud of you!" Lisa hugged me tight and that's where I open my eyes and hugged her back with a confused face. We pull out the hug and I looked at her with confused face.

"You all have line of 9! Your grades are all 90's!" Lisa shouts happily and hug me again with matching kisses all over my face. As soon as I heard what Lisa said I felt happy inside me, that I just had to hug her back again but this time It's tight.

"Congrats baby!" Lisa said with full of excitement.

"Thank you, Baby! Hehehe" I said and laugh cutely.

"Woah! I can't believe we all passed the exams! We will graduate soon!" Jeongyeon said with full of happiness and excitement.

"We should celebrate!" Sana shouts while jumping and we all laugh because of their silliness.

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