Training and Explanations from Kaze Ryuu

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Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Bleach. T_T

Chapter 3: Training and Explanations from Kaze Ryuu

"Karin! Are you okay? Wow, that was amazing. I didn't know that you were a shinigami!" Toshiro sputtered.

Karin just looked at him and Toshiro quickly got the picture that he had a pissed off girlfriend on his hands who was still angry about him leaving without a goodbye. To prove his theory home, Karin started to walk away without even a backward glance.

"I can't believe he still has the guts to face me after leaving for THREE WHOLE MONTHS without even a simple 'see ya' or anything!" Karin mumbled to herself, seething.

She had taken two steps before she felt her legs become like lead. Her body, paralyzed with exhaustion, began to fall forward. In the blink of an eye, Toshiro shunpoed to catch Karin before she hit the ground. By the time he had her safely in his arms, she had already blacked out.

When Karin awoke, she sat up immediately... and hit her head on something hard and noisy. Blinking, everything came into focus. 

"Ouch! That hurt!" A voice said. 

Karin looked around and saw the person that the voice belonged to. Toshiro Hitsugaya. He was clutching his forehead and shot her an annoyed look. 

"Oh... sorry about that," Karin said without much emotion in her voice, not really meaning it. 

Toshiro looked at Karin and she stared back into his eyes. The two of them remained like that for a moment before Toshiro impulsively started to lean forward, his intent to kiss her displayed clearly on his face. Karin got the hint and immediately began to lean forward as well.

Karin and Toshiro were just a few inches apart, but Karin began to feel lightheaded once again. Her head fell forward and her lips comically came together with Toshiro's.

Karin would have laughed at his expression except she was just too tired. She tried to pull away but Toshiro's hand was at her waist and his lips at her ear.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale. Here," Toshiro whispered as he leaned down, with his back to her, "Get on my back and I'll take you home".

Karin just nodded. Gently, she felt herself being lifted and then began moving at a very fast pace. When Karin opened her eyes, she was in front of her house.

"Okay. Thank you for the help. Do you have a place to stay for the night?" she asked softly into his ear. 

Toshiro just shook his head no as she slid off his back. 

"Well, then you are welcome to stay here at my house," And without looking at Toshiro, she spun on her heels and opened the door.

Immediately, her father came running towards her with tears down his face, "OH! MY DARLING DAUGHTER HAS COME HOME! NOW GIVE YOUR DADDY A BIG HUG!"

Since Karin was so tired, she just settled with a simple kick to the face, which sent her father flying.

After a second, he got up and ran to the poster of their mother that was hanging on the wall. "OH MY DEAR WIFE! OUR CHILDREN ARE GROWING UP!"

Karin ignored the rest of what her father was saying and started to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh, by the way, Dad, Toshiro's gonna be staying with us for a while," Karin called over her shoulder.

Karin could hear her father stop crying and start talking nonsense about her growing up and already bringing a boy home. After that nonsense, she stopped paying attention to his ramblings. Instead, she kept walking and headed straight into her room. With an exhausted sigh, she collapsed onto her bed.

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