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"Taylor can you come here for a minute" my brother yelled "yeah coming" I run downstairs and jack called me to sit down next to him and the guys "so Taylor I have a question" "yeah hayes" "so Cassie said you have a crush on one of us can we know who" "NO I am not telling you about my love life GAWD!" Then all the boys looked at me "you know you can tell us we won't mess with you" "if I do tell jack will flip his lid" "which one " "I don't know maybe jack harries my brother you idiot" "okay can we guess" "sure I don't really care" "TAYLOR KARISSA AND JESSICA ARE HERE" "OKAY MOM" *back to her and the boys* "taylor who do you like" "fine I LOKE CAMERON OKAY GAWD ARE YOU HAPPY NOW CAUSSE IM NOT CAYSE CAMERON PROBABLY DOESNT EVEN LIKE ME SO IT WAS WORTHLESS TO EVEN AS-" then cameron kissed me jack wasn't in the room of course but Cameron kissed ms and it felt amazing he put his hands on my waist then Karissa and Jessica walked in and yelled at the same time "TAMERON IS REALZ YASSSS BRUH" "Tameron?" "Yea it's your guys' ship name duhhhh" "oh well we aren't dating" I told them and Cameron replied "not yet" and winked at me

A/N hey guys I know I haven't updated in a couple days and I'm sorry but the outfit up there is what she was wearing and guys check out jack and jacks new song "groove" it's amazing love you guys lots 😘😘😍😍

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