-final goodbye-

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This is the last chapter and yall are gonna kill me

Andys pov: *3 months later*
I couldn't do it anymore,I'm the past month rye had been attacked by my stepdads accomplices. I could not let him keep getting hurt because of me. So I did the only thing I could thing of at that moment,I called my stepdad who had survived after our discussion I took the time I had to admire Ryes beauty I then begun to write the dread note..
"Hello my love,by now you've noticed that I am no longer here now I get you will be worried but I don't want you to dwell on me. Right now I am in a better place. I couldn't let you keep getting hurt.
So for your own safety I have let Stephen take my life at a price of letting you live peacefully,as upsetting as this is I do not want you to cry over me ok? I want you to find someone else who will not make your life hell. I want you to remeber all the memories we've had together I want you to never forget all the kisses hugs and night together. I will never forget the first time we said I love you,and even after my passing those simple 3 words will still mean the same they will still stick with me in heaven. I left you a little gift under your pillow,it's the first valentines teddy you got me and my perfume if you ever need me spray some of my scent onto the teddy and cuddle it that way I will always be with you my love. I know it will be hard but don't cry every night don't listen to our song or watch our movie,find someone new to find those special things with. I know this is harsh but fucking forget me Ryan. Forget when you found me on that bench forget all the times we've cried together. I want you to stay happy and if this helps you stay atleast safe then it's what's best. Also look after Shaun he really needs it.I will forever love you my beautiful prince.
-Andy xx"
I stole one last kiss from him and then I walked out of the house not looking back in fear of running back to him. I walked to the meeting spot,a park I saw him waiting with a gun placed in his hand. When I reached him he looked shocked
"Didn't expect you to turn up" he pointed the gun to my chest.
"P-please don't hurt rye you promise?" He nodded and then I felt the bullet rip through my flesh I let my tears fall as I fell to the floor grasping my bleeding chest
"I love you so much baby"
Ryes pov:
I finished reading the note my hands going numb
"NO ANDY PLEASE NO" I grabbed my jacket and rang my men to go search for him. When I finally got a call from one of them
I stopped dead in my tracks falling to floor tears falling down my face.
"NO" I screamed. He was gone,I just got him back and he was gone. I don't think I could cope.
*3 years after*
As I laid in my bed thinking I started thinking too hard about life and how We had planned out future together...how we talked about having kids one day,how we were gonna get married and have a little cottage in London...I missed him so much,I missed his faux blonde hair his beautiful blue eyes that held so Amy I told stories I miss the way his dimples showed when he was happy I miss the way his eyes would go even brighter when I mentioned chocolate ice cream. I just miss him so fucking much. It had been years but I still hadn't moved on I couldn't he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I read the note he left me day after day it makes me go insane,I should have been awake I should have stopped him I should have been there to run him to the hospital when he was bleeding,but I wasn't..it was my fault he was dead and I will
Never forgive myself. His beautiful face and body no longer laid next to mine out hands intertwined as we just stared at each other no more random giggles when we were watching a movie,no more Andy,it had been the same for 3 years and I still want used to not feeling him next to me. I got the teddy and his perfume spraying it and then just hugging it I could hear Andy saying I love you in the back of my mind making me aware he was always going to be with meI want him back...

And just like that! This story is over. I wanna thank everyone for all the support on this book. I'm ngl I cried so hard at this chapter. I'm don't know if I'll do another book as this one has fucked me up😭💔 but yeah..I hope you enjoyed the final chapter (I didn't). I love you all thank yous sm for the love❤️
(Edit) I realised that I put Robbie instead of Shaun😂🤦🏻
All my love
-Jess x

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