Chapter 1: Dares and Arguments

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Samantha's POV

*5th grade*

"Sam! School!" My mom screamed from downstairs, I rolled around in my princess sheets before hopping out of bed.

I slipped on my bunny slippers and slid to my dress, I quickly got dressed and grabbed my schoolbag.

I loved Mondays.

I happily trotted down the stairs and plopped down at the table. A big bowl of Captain Crunch sat in front of me, I chomped it down in 3 bites.

"Catch the bus love, I have work" Mom s sweet voice said before kissing the top of my head. "I love you'
"Love you two!" I shouted before the door slammed shut.

I thought.

What is love? I haven't really thought about it.

I shook off the thought and grabbed my schoolbag.
"Time to go!" I exclaimed to myself and walked out the door. I waited for the bus.

The bus finally made a stop in front of my house, I hopped on and sat in the front seat.

A boy with fluffy brown hair sat across from me.
His head turned, it was Shawn, my bestfriend.
A goofy smile grew on his face, he quickly jumped to my seat.

"Hey Sam" His high pitched voice said, I smiled "Hey"

Once we got to school we walked to class together.
I sat down beside him at a desk in the back of the class and waited for the bell.


The bell buzzed in my ear, happy cheers came from all around as the classroom quickly cleared out.

I grabbed my books and stood up, Shawn was standing against the door frame waiting for me. I smiled to myself.

We ran outside and sprinted across the schoolyard to the playground.

We didn't realize it was the "Big kids playground"

"Hey, look what we got here" A six grader said with a smirk on her face.

She stared down at me and Shawn, along with a few other big kids.

"Hi" Shawn said politely with a small waved, they chuckled.
"Have you guys ever played truth or dare?" The girl asked, her eyebrow raised.

We shook our heads.

"Perfect" She mumbled under her breath before sitting down, we sat down with her.

"You, truth or dare?" She asked Shawn, he fumbled with his hands for a bit before answering.

"I dare you to lick the flag pole" She giggled, his face turned shocked.
He climbed off the playground and stumbled up to the flag pole.

"Couldn't he get sick?" I asked worried.
"Nah" She mumbled and continued to watch.

His mouth reached towards the flag pole, he quickly licked the steel pole.

The big kids laughed at him, it made me feel bad.

He ran back and sat down like nothing happened.

A much bigger girl climbed onto the playground, she gave us a look before sitting down as well.

"My turn" She sternly said flipping her black hair.
"Truth or dare?" She asked pointing to me. I gulped.
"Uh um" I struggled with my words.
"Cat got your tonuge?" A boy laughed, I turned red.

"Dare" I said proudly, with slight sass.

Shawn shot me a worried glance.

"Kiss your little friend" She said pointing at Shawn with a smirk.

My mouth dropped.

"Eww, thats gross!" I exclaimed.
"Its a dare" She shrugged.

Shawn looked down, it seemed as if he was...smiling?

I never kissed anyone before, so when he slowly leaned in, I began to panick.

Our lips met with surprised me, I quickly pulled away.
"Uh" I felt myself heat up.

He stared in my eyes. The bell suddenly rang which broke out awkward stare down.

I ran into the school.

"Oh my hat" I told myself before running back outside.

I was confused when I saw Shawn handing a few coins to the big girl who dared me.

"I finally got to kiss her" He said, my eyes grew wide, I couldn't move.

He turned to me.


"Oh" I repiled.

"Whats up?" He said walking up to me, his eyebrows furrowed.

What a little liar.

"Did you pay the girl so you could kiss me?" I suddenly said, my voice a little high.
"No, what are you talking about?" He questioned, I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Don't play stupid with me!" I shouted, he looked hurt.

"Do you even wanna be my friend, or my boyfriend?" I asked, he looked down.
"I thought we were friends..." He mumbled.
"We were until you wanted to kiss me!" I told him.

A silence fell.

"Maybe we just shouldn't be friends" I whispered before turning away.

How could he?


Samantha's POV
*Grade 11

"Ugh Shawn you're such an asshole!" I screamed to the stuck up teenager from across the white wood fence.
He laughed, it made me want to throw a brick at his face.


Shawn had just recently threw a baseball at my head, that boy makes me so angry.

"Oh come on, I know you love me!" He shouted back, my mouth dropped an my eyebrows furrowed.
"Nah uh!" I snapped back.
"Yes, you do!"

I rolled my eyes annoyed and continued to work in my moms garden.

He walked over to the fence, I looked up to see that smirk that made me want to slap him.
He leaned against the fence and looked down at me.

"Aww, is little Sammy helping her mommy in the garden?" His squeaky voice asked.
"Oh grow up" I shot back.
"Damn girl" He mumbled.

I picked a tomato and threw it at him, which exploded in his face.

"SAM! You bitch!" He yelled struggling to whiped off the tomato juice.
I just sat there laughing my ass off.

"Thats what you get" I said with a smirk before walking into my house, he shot me a glare.

To bad, so sad.


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I have so many ideas for this right now, i really think you're gonna like it!


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