Chapter 2: Dealing with an Idiot

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Shawn's POV

I woke up to the sound of a honking car, I groaned and peaked out my window.

Sam sat in her car beeping the horn like a madman.

She's so annoying.

She seen me and sent a smirk my way, I rolled my eyes and covered myself up.
"Shawn! School!"

Ugh, no.

I felt like puking as I climbed out of my moutain of blankets and pillows.

My feet brought me to the bathroom, I turned on the light and jumped at the sight of my own face.

Dark circle, stuck up hair, smelly.


I sighed before splashing my face with freezing cold water.

I then played around with my hair for a bit till it looked some-what normal.
I was to lazy to get dressed up so I slid on my OBEY sweater and jeans.


Now school.


Sam's POV

"Are you signing up for the volleyball team?" Shannon asked me as we made our way to first period.
"Duh, I want to be team captain this year" I said proudly, she nodded.

The first thing my eyes meet when I walk into the classroom is the annoying boy sitting in the back of the class flicking erasers at the boy in front of him.

"Can you be a little more mature?" I ask him as I walked past his desk, he rolls his eyes.
"Uh huh, honking the horn at 7am to annoy me is mature" He sarcastically says as I sit down.
"I was waiting for my older sister" I exclaimed frustrated as I open my textbook.
He looked the other way and mumbled a "Sure" under his breath.


Once lunch rolls around I feel a little more better.

I pick up my food and make my way to my table, a tray in my hands.
"Sam!" My friends voice yells for me, I smile and look her way.

I suddeny felt a hard push to my side, causing my tray to fall out of my hands.

"What the hell!" A voice yelled I turn and see Shawn standing there, salad and orange juice covered the entire front of his hoodie.
I gasped and look around at all the faces staring back, shit.

I hated attention.

I pull the hood of my hoodie over my head and speed walk out of the cafateria.

God damnitt.

I ran out into the hall and felt myself heat up.

A hand turned me around. My eyes met Shawn's eyes, his eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched.
"Uh hi" I said in my innocent voice.

"Um hey, what the actual f***?" He said sternly. I felt myself turned a angry red.

"Its your fault, don't blame me!" I shouted in his salad dressing covered face.
"How the heck is this my fault?" He questioned placing his hands on his hips.
"You ran into me!"
"No, you stopped in the middle of the god damn cafateria!" He exclaimed angrily.
"You know, its hard sometimes, dealing with an asshole like you!" I screamed crossing my arms.
"And its hard dealing with a bitch like you!" He snapped back.

"I wish you knew what it was like to wake up every morning and be forced to face you" I said lowering my voice, I didn't once look at him.
"Same to you"

We shot evil glances before stomping off in opposite directions.

I felt kinda funny after that.



Okay dramas going down in the next chapter!

This may be a quick story.


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