Chapter 3: What The F***?

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Shawn's POV

I was currently on Twitter on my phone.

My eyes darted to the time: 12:30am
I groaned and finally forced myself to toss my phone on my sidetable.

I closed my eyes.

I fell into a deep sleep, I started shifting back and forth, my head ached.

I cringed and began breathing heavy. I started to feel a strange pain around my temples.

I felt myself finally calm down, I didn't know what happened after that.


Sam's POV

"Come on, get to bed" I said annoyed to my nine year old sister, she stood at my door complaining about a nightmare.

"Please" She whined on the verge of tears, I rolled my eyes and pulled open the blankets. She happily plopped down beside me.

We both closed our eyes.

I heard A strange voice in my head

"I wish you could see what its like to wake up every morning and be forced to see you"

With that I fell asleep.

Shawn's POV

My eyes peeled open, a long peice of hair hung in my face, I moved it away slightly confused.
I looked beside me to see a small girl, I screamed squeakier that usual before kicking her to the floor.

She started to cry.

"What the fu-" I started but trailed of as I looked around, a light pink room stared back.

"Sissy! Why did you do that?" The girl shouted.


My hands slowly went to my hair, I felt my fingers touch long, wavy locks.

I brought a peice up to my face and stared horrified.

My breathing grew heavy, I hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

I screamed as loud as I could when I seen Sam's face in the mirror.
"Oh my god, what the f***!" I screehed.

"Mom! Sissy said a bad word!" The girl yelled before trotting down the stairs.

"I, I" I stuttered nervously as I felt my face.

Is this real?

"You better be getting ready for school" Sam's mom said peaking in the door.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I exclaimed, she looked shocked.

She gave me a stern look and walked downstairs.

"Okay, once I get to school I'll ask Sam what the hell is happening" I told my self.

I grabbed a zebra print bag, it was filled with random tubes.


"Um, okay" I opened up a bottle of skin colored liquid, I whiped it on my face.


My hands spread it around till it looked blended enough.

I cautionly appiled what I knew was mascarae.

Okay, good enough.

I walked to her closet.

I just left my underwear on cause that would be awkward...

My hands ran through random peices of material, I grabbed what I thought was Sam's go-to outfit and slipped it on.

I grabbed my-er her bookbag and stomped down the stairs quickly.

I needed Sam now!

"Where on earth is your bra young lady?" Sam's mom asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Uh" I stumbled turninga little red.
"No daughter of mine is going to be a slut, go put on a bra" She ordered.

I walked slowly back up the stairs.


I walked back to the closet.

I pulled out what looked to be a bra.

Okay, now the awkward part.

I screwed my eyes shut and slid off my shirt, I put the bra on.
Now I clip it?

I fumbled around.
"God damnitt" I said frustrated to myself.
"Uh mom!" I shouted, she ran upstairs.

I could gear her laugh as she seen the awkward postion I was in.

She came over and clipped it.

This feels really uncomfortable.

I was still freaked out.

Why am I Sam?



So this story is a little bit different..

More chapters soon!

-Gracie 😘

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