Surprise! Victoria is engaged

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"Oh, Victoria. Congrats." I hear provost say. I groan and ask, "Uhhh what are you congratulating me for now,provy?"  He replies, "Wake up and check your finger."  I open my eyes and look at my left hand, a ring is on my ring finger. I sit up. "Wait? What? When did this happen?" I mutter under my breath. I look at Provost who smirks and says, "Last night, you said yes by the way."  I roll my eyes and say, "Well obviously I can see that." He looks at me and asks, "So are you going to call it off?" I look at the ring and start fidgeting with it, I reply, "I don't think I'm going to call it off, I mean besides, if I were in the victorian era I would be ashamed by not being married by this age." He replies, "That's true, and besides you're going to be this age forever, so why not get married?" I nod and say, "Exactly." I tilt my head to the side and ask, "Wait, what day is it?" Provost replies, "Its Tuesday." I nod, sigh and say, "Mom is going kill him." Provost laughs and replies, "This is going to be fun to watch."  Rebecca wakes up and starts squealing. "Congrats, Victoria." She says as she's squealing. I smile at her and say, "Thank you." Foust gets up and puts his head on my shoulder. "Don't expect any normal wife things, Foust.," I say as I touch his hair. "Ok, I can deal with that." I hear him reply.  I get up, grab some clothes, open the door and walk to the bathroom. I rub my eyes to wake myself up and see Oliver staring at me. I look at him and say, "Yes?" He points to the ring and says, "Uhhhh...." He trails off. I smile and say, "It's a joke, Oliver." He nods and says, "oh thank god mom would kill him if she saw the ring." I start laughing and say, "I'm joking, it's real Oliver." He stares at me and replies, "well say so long to your fiancee." I roll my eyes and say, "Don't worry, mom isn't going anywhere near him." He looks at me shocked and replies, "You have a death wish, Vic." I sigh and say, "I'm going to explain it."  He looks at me confused and asks, "Explain what?" I roll my eyes again and reply, "You'll see after I take my shower and everyone is in the living room." He nods and says, "ok then." I walk in the bathroom, close the door behind me and take a shower. After that, with my hair in a towel and robe on along with the hairdryer in my hand, I walk in my room and start the process of blow-drying and brushing my hair. I get dressed and walk out of my bedroom. Everyone is in the living room except for foust. I jump a little when I feel someone's arm around my waist. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." I hear Foust say as he pulls me closer to him. "it's fine." I reply. I sigh and say, "I hope this goes well." I walk in the living room and I see mom stare at the ring. "um excuse me when did this happen?" I hear her ask. I reply, "last night." She glares behind me and I sigh. I say, "Mom, I'm mentally older than you." She looks back at me and says, "what?"  Oliver tilts his head to the side. I sigh and start running my right hand through my hair. I ask, "Do you know why I was  grandma's favorite?" She replies, "Because you're so sweet." I shake my head and say, "No it's because I was her real grandchild, she was born in sixteen sixty-four in London, England. How do you think she got so rich? Why do you think she left it all to me hmm?" I look at her. She looks at me confused. Oliver asks, "if she was born in sixteen sixty-four London she would be dead for a while yet how was she alive?" I look at Oliver and reply, "Reincarnation do you know what that is, Oliver?" He nods and says, "yes I do know what reincarnation is, Vic." I nod and say, "That's how; I'm also a product of reincarnation I'm literally a hundred ninety-eight years old." They look at me weird. Oliver says, "if you're a hundred ninety-eight years old why do you look like you're eighteen?" I sigh and say, "Didn't you hear what I just said, Oliver? I'm reincarnated, that's why I look like I'm eighteen, I will always look this age." Oliver replies, "then that note saying that you ran away-" He trails off. I nod and say, "I didn't run away, I died in my sleep so I could be reincarnated again." He replies, "Then where did your body go?" I say, "Foust brought it back to the victorian era and buried it near my home."  My mom sighs and says, "Well that's nice I have a daughter who's older then me that's something you never hear."  I look at her and ask, "So you don't mind if we get married?" Oliver snorts a laugh and says, "Vic, you're older than her, she has no control over you."  I nod and say, "true." Oliver replies, "We can't tell anyone how old you really are, We're going to say that your boyfriend now soon to be husband got you a promise ring, there's your cover-up." Mom nods and says, "Well thank you for this chat now I have to go get ready for work bye." She stands up and walks to her bedroom.  Oliver sighs and says, "Too bad we can't tell anyone I would love to see Brittney's face if you told her that you and Foust are married." I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah too bad." Foust hugs me and says, "Well I'll go take a shower, see you later, Vic." I nod and say," Ok. See you later."  My eyes go wide as I realize that I haven't been on top of my assignments. "SHIT!!!" I yell as I run upstairs and push past foust. "WHAT'S WRONG, VIC?!" I hear Rebecca scream out. "CLASSWORK!!!" I yell back. I go to my room and get my laptop out along with my textbooks. I get comfortable on my bed and start my assignments.             

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