Snowflake returns

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I hear a tapping at my window. I groan in annoyance and get up. I start cursing underneath my breath. "He just had to disrupt the peace didn't he?" I mutter underneath my breath as I move the curtain and see Future Foust smiling at me. I roll my eyes and get out of bed. I hear Foust mumble something. "Just go back to sleep.", I say as I play with his hair. He goes back to sleep. "Awww he's so cute.", I whisper. I quietly go outside. Once outside, I get my wings out and fly to the tree. "Hello, little prey.", Snowflake says as he jumps on the branch and sits next to me. I reply, "Sup, snowflake." He asks, "So your married now?" He points to the ring. I nod and say, "Yep I'm married to Foust." I feel a spray bottle in my hand. I hid it behind my back. "Well, maybe you should give your husband a kiss hmmm?", He asks as he moves closer to me, I get the spray bottle of water out and spray it at him. He falls backward and lands on the ground. "Oh my god, is the ground ok?", I ask as I look at where Snowflake is and see him glaring at me.  Provost laughs and says, "This is hilarious, I'm pleased that I keep on reincarnating you."  I smile at him and reply, "Well I'm glad that I meet your expatiations, provy also thank you for the spray bottle." He replies, "You're welcome, Vic." "Well, what a good wife you are, Vic." Snowflake spits out as he glares at me. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm not married to you. I'm married to Foust." He gets up and brushes himself off. He replies, "But you're also married to me since we're the same person. Have you ever thought about that?" "You can't be serious.," I mutter underneath my breath. "Well, I'm off.", Snowflake says as he walks away. "TO WHERE?!!!!" I shout. He shouts back, "TO GET A WEDDING RING FOR MYSELF!!!" I shout, "WE AREN'T MARRIED!!!!" He shouts, "YES WE ARE!!!!! GOODBYE MY DEAR WIFE!!!" He leaves. "What the fuck, why?" I mutter to myself. I jump down from the tree and go back inside. I sigh, walk upstairs, and go in my room. The spray bottle disappears from my hand. I get in bed and hear foust tiredly ask, "Where were you?" I reply, "Outside dealing with your future self."  He nods and looks at me. I roll my eyes and reply, "He's going to get a wedding ring for himself because he believes that we're now married since you and I are married." He shrugs and replies "Oh well, I mean I guess future me and you are married since we're married." I roll my eyes and say, "My brain hurts now I'm going to bed night." I snuggle in the covers and go to sleep.     

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