2 years

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2 years have passed since my quest, the thing that changed my world. Making me believe in the most obscured things, greek and roman gods. Since that time Lin had gone back to Camp Halfblood to help other demigods train and give us updates that have happened which were a lot, to be honest...

However, B, Nota and I were in Arizona finishing up highschool and weird to think we were adults now. Nota was now 19 with me being 18 of course. But also B and I had become really close. She never really liked talking about her past and always got uncomfortable but she did tell me a few things.

I found out that our birthdays were literally 2 days apart and I was slightly older cause it. But we would go out and explore the desert a lot during this time and nothing bad ever happened. These two years had been the best. No Aden. No quest. That was until B's birthday happened.

"Beige where are we going? shouldn't we get back to Nota?"

"Nota can wait, I wanna take you somewhere and give you something." Earlier in the day before school had started I went and found a necklace with her favorite animal the platypus. Never found out why but it didn't really matter. We walked for a few minutes until we got to a hill. 

"Beige where the heck are we?"

"Hm? Oh, A mountain, it has the college symbol on it, the massive A is on the other side." I wanted to sound smart but really I think she knew what A mountain was. She got up and decided to run to the other side laughing.

"Really B? I don't want to get up, guess I'll leave then." I waited for a few seconds but it became silent. 

"B? Not like you to do this, gonna regret making me get up." I tried to sound upbeat but something was wrong. I was without my hatchet (Kinda is illegal for me to walk around with it) so I decided to sneak up the mountain. I look over the top only from behind to hear a growl. I wanted to turn around but a massive force pushed me down the hill rolling through the roses that formed the massive A, which I was also allergic to.

My face immediately began burning from rolling into the roses as behind my back standing was a chuckle.

"Finally Basia, thought you could hide forever? So cute, and taking B here on a romantic night out. Sorry, I crashed it," The sarcasm grew worse and worse as I tried turning and opening my eyes. "I wanted to have fun too you see?" He kicked me in the side causing me to scream out, my eyes were teary and all I could manage to say was, "Where is B."

He began chuckling, he had gotten even more insane, "Oh Basia, down the hill.. bleeding out, such a fun birthday gift! I just love giving." Finally, my eyes had mostly been cleared up. I look up and see none other than of course Aden but, he had changed.  His hair had grown out almost to a mullet and now it was a dark, dark green. He also must have been wearing contacts cause his eyes shimmered the colored of emeralds. The cut on his nose had grown down his cheek and was still a poisoned green color.

"See that you are digging the green vibe, mom got mad apparently."  Aden's face seemed to go from psychopath to straight murderer. 

"Had to bring it up, the thing you... YOU caused-" He then proceeded to rant and I used this time to get in contact with my cousin, Tashi. We had an empathy link given to us by Tashi unknowingly. When I had gotten through it had been hazy and I stumbled between everything I call her.

"No-nota, Tashi A mountain. Aden..." I could only see her get up and dart before cutting back to reality.

"-Now you brought this upon yourself, I wanted to bring you to mother, but I want the pleasure. First Kyla was taken for betrayal, now you for revenge."

"Wait what did you do to Kyla, where is she? Tell me before you kill me." I begged, if I could somehow live through this, Lin would have a chance. "Heh, Riau Islands, not like it'll matter for yo-" He stopped to the movement of a blade at his neck.

"Touch him one more time, and I slit your neck on the spot." Nota stood behind him daggers to his neck, inches from finishing him. Nota turned to look at me and told me, "B will be ok, some half-bloods who live here are tending to her right now, as for you Aden-"

"YOU REALLY... you really cut me off? I was in the zone, no matter luckily, I have support you witch." 2 small hellhounds about 6 foot (For hellhounds, that's tiny). One ran straight into Nota knocking her away from Aden. Aden took the chance given and rode away on one leaving me aka a defenseless injured sack of potatoes and Nota a literal demon sometimes. I wanted to stand but I was still winded from the series of things that had just taken place. 

"Beige roll down the hill and meet up with the others, I'll handle this somehow." She sounded serious but I could tell she wasn't sure about what she was doing. I reached for her shoulder to lean on and caught my breath. 

"Yeah sorry but I can't let you fight this alone, not this type of monster." I grab her flaming dagger and almost as soon as I grabbed it, the amount of flames increase and turned blue. Blue fire for me was rare only happening when I fought Khione so I knew I had to make this timed power count. 

I felt recharged, practically brand new as the flame spread down my arm. With that Nota and I charged. The Hellhound barked aggressively before jumping onto me with its teeth inches from my face. Luckily with Nota being there ended up stabbing its side. It lept at her ability to scratch her arm and turned to me again.

I got ready for its attack and as it lept it seemed to stumble. In the back right leg had Nota's ice blade stuck in its paw and I was about to land a final strike till something stopped me. I looked at the neck and realized the hellhound was wearing a shock collar, it couldn't walk at the moment either and was whimpering. I reached my hand out and it surprisingly didn't try to completely bite it off. The flames on my died out and I went to pet the mutt.

"Alright enough toying with the enemy arrow incoming, move unless you wanna join it in a kebab." A dark gruffish voice from behind said and a whizzing noise past my ear. In that split second, I erupted into a ball of fire and burned the arrow out of the sky before it could reach the injured Hellhound.

"And what the hell are you doing protecting it? Almost killed you, your cousin and your best friend. Now you are saving it?" The girl was insanely muscular and overly intimidating, it made me feel rage for an odd reason.

"Oh? sorry but its hurt and look it had a shock collar around its neck. It was being forced to do that!"

She mumbled under her breath before actually speaking so I could hear her, "Fine let that mutt bite you, I don't really care I just came because Notashino asked for help Fireboy. I'm out." She began walking away before stopping to tell me. "That girl is going to be fine, Chris is taking care of her. Have fun with your new pet."

"Sorry for snapping but who even are you?? Can I at least thank you for helping" I genuinely was curious and I don't understand the rage I feel around her.

"Eh don't worry about it, I have that effect on people I mean after all I am the Daughter of Ares." She smirked then walked off without me saying thank you and not wasting a moment I raced down the mountain.

B was down with a man (guessing it was Chris) with a bandage around her leg and arm. She wasn't awake hopefully unconscious at most.

"She'll be alright, let her rest," the man nodded his head and walked away leaving me with B badly hurt, Nota and the hellhound limping making their way down. I tried to speak but I just choked. I almost just got the person I practically would risk anything for, all over a gift. Because I figured the monsters, gods, and Aden could've been a dream.

A bad dream that happened and had seemingly left me alone for 2 years but I knew now that wasn't true. Nota didn't seem in the mood to speak at the moment so I picked up up B and held her as I walked to our apartment, in deep silence.

Curse of Flames: Toxins (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now